Anyway, we must pull out those moths this time.

When discussing with others, Ning Mengyao is listening. To be honest, he is really not interested in these things.

When they agreed, Qiao Tianchang found that Ning Mengyao didn't know when to lean on the chair and fall asleep.

Walk over, carefully pick up people, say hello to them and leave.

"Qi Tian's task this time is up to you." Originally, Xiao Qifeng wanted to do it by himself. Just think about it. This time, it's also an opportunity for Xiao Qitian. If you miss this opportunity, you won't have such a good opportunity.

"I see. Don't worry, brother. I won't let you down." Xiao Qitian seriously promised.

"When it's done, you start to take over the court work." He didn't want to let Xiao Qitian take over so soon, but he didn't have much time to teach him slowly. He could only use this method to oppress his growth.

Xiao Qitian has been avoiding this matter, not to think, not to ask, but today's words of Xiao Qifeng, his last thoughts have been broken.

"Brother, I......"

"Qitian, it's your responsibility." How would Xiao Qifeng like to let Xiao Qitian do these things?

Xiao Qitian lowered his eyes. Of course, he knew it was his responsibility. But he took over these things as if his brother was going to leave him soon. He didn't like it very much, so he could delay.

"Yufeng, you go back first. I have something to say to Qi Tian." Xiao Qifeng looked at Yu Feng and said helplessly.

"Since that's the case, I'll leave with Chen first. I'll call us when." Yufeng stands up without any dissatisfaction or affectation.

It can be seen from the emotions of these two people that the problem between them is a little big. If they don't handle it well, it will be very troublesome.

I don't know what Xiao Qifeng said to Xiao Qitian. After Xiao Qitian came out of the study, he seemed to be totally changed. His eyes were firm and no longer kept dodging like before.

In the study, Xiao Qifeng covered his chest and knelt down on the ground. In front of him was a pool of red blood, and the corner of his mouth was still marked with obvious blood.

When Nanzhuang came in, he saw this scene. He rushed to help people up.

"How are you, emperor? I'll call for the king. " Said to get up to leave.

Xiao Qifeng holds Nanzhuang's hand tightly and doesn't let him leave.

"Don't tell Qi Tian for the moment that my body has reached this point." Xiao Qifeng stood up along the strength of Nanzhuang.

Nanzhuang looks at Xiao Qifeng like this, with tangles and worries on her face.

"Emperor, why do you have to hide it from the king?" Nanzhuang is wondering what Xiao Qifeng wants to do.

Xiao Qifeng sat on the chair, his eyes staring at the front, I don't know if he can see Qi Tian alone.

"Nanzhuang is very important at this time. If Qi Tian knew that my body was in trouble, he would not settle down to deal with these things, so I can't tell him now." Xiao Qifeng also has his own ideas, for him, Xiao Qitian is very important, and how he will go in the future is also very important, so he can't drag Qi Tian's back at this time.

Nanzhuang looked at Xiao Qifeng with a complicated look.

"When can you think for yourself, emperor?" Since his accession to the throne, he has been dealing with state affairs every day conscientiously. In order to make the people live a good life, he has paid a lot. Only he can know the hardships.

The emperor has never done anything for himself. Now it is time for him to think about the Lord.

"Nanzhuang, when Qi Tian can be alone, I plan to take advantage of the last time to go around." He didn't have time before, but now he has only a little time, so he wants to go around and have a look at the current scenery of Xiaoguo.

"Emperor, I will go with you and serve you at your side." Nanzhuang looked at Xiao Qifeng and said.

Let the emperor go out alone, he is really not at ease.