Xiao Qifeng wants to refuse, but Nanzhuang can't refuse, which makes him laugh.

Just follow me if you want. Nanzhuang has been around for many years. If you don't have him, he's not used to it.

The conversation between the two was not known by the third person, while Xiao Qitian was busy with all the affairs of Xiao Kingdom, big and small. With Xiao Qifeng's escort, Xiao Qifeng was very quick in the sky. The ministers below, although they did not understand Xiao Qifeng's meaning, were also helping Xiao Qitian in power.

In this way, a month later, Xiao Qitian was finally able to be on his own and deal with things with new changes, which made Xiao Qifeng very relieved.

Although the present state of Xiao is still a bit disorderly, most of the places are still as usual and are not threatened.

In this month, Xiao Qitian killed those families by means of thunder. Many ministers were talking. In front of the evidence, they all disappeared. They dared not talk. They were afraid that they would be involved in their families.

For such a situation, Xiao Qitian had already prepared in his mind. These old foxes thought that there was no way for them?

If they can't fight against the ministers, do they think they can still live a leisurely life now?

Seeing that Xiao Qitian has dealt with the affairs in the court properly, Xiao Qifeng calls Xiao Qitian to the Royal study.

As in the past, they first talked about things in the court, but soon they fell into silence.

"Brother, are you..."

"Feel it?"

"Well." Xiao Qitian nodded and met. How could he not feel it? Xiao Qifeng's body gradually deteriorated. When he met many times, his face was very white. He went down privately to ask grandpa Hei. Grandpa Hei said that his body was nearly broken. Now he was just holding on.

To get such an answer, Xiao Qitian couldn't believe it at all. He wanted to ask Xiao Qifeng, but every time he saw that he couldn't bear it, he pretended that nothing had happened.

"Qi Tian, I'm going to take Nanzhuang for a walk." Xiao Qifeng shook his head with a smile. It seems that he has many flaws. Even Qi Tian found them.

"What do you want to do?"

"I didn't have time to go around before. Now, I want to take advantage of my last incident to go around." Xiao Qifeng had a soft smile on his face, not because of the fear of death he was about to face, but only because of his yearning for life.

In recent years, with Xiao Qifeng's protection, he has run the whole country of Xiao almost all the time, even other countries. He didn't think there was anything before. But seeing Xiao Qifeng like this, he suddenly felt that the same scenery seemed very attractive.

"OK, you can go, but you must come back at the end." He didn't want to lose his brother's last sight.


After that, Xiao Qitian told Xiao Qifeng a lot, a lot of precautions, and a lot of worries.

Such a scene is so familiar, but now it's all changed.

He used to tell Xiao Qitian uneasily. Now he tells him uneasily. This feeling is really a new enjoyment.

Looking at the chattering Xiao Qitian, as if he had endless words.

"Qi Tian, I'm not a child. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, Nanzhuang is here. You don't believe me. You should believe Nanzhuang, right?" Xiao Qifeng's words were interrupted by tears and smiles. He looked at him helplessly, as if he was useless, right? As for this, don't you trust him?

Xiao Qitian frowned at Xiao Qifeng and thought of Nanzhuang, but he was relieved.

Nanzhuang has been with Xiao Qifeng since he was young, and he is also an expert. Although they don't know why they went to the palace to be eunuchs, they all know that Nanzhuang has no malice to Xiao Qifeng.

"Be careful all the way."


In the afternoon, Xiao Qifeng packed up his things. The next day, he took Nanzhuang with him and a bodyguard. The three left together.