Even though, later he found out that the woman was pregnant and the child didn't know who it was. She just wanted him to help other men raise their children. At last, the people of the Song family ran to their own face and threatened that they must be responsible for song Yan. Otherwise, it would not be over.

At that time, they thought that they didn't know anything and wanted him to be the enemy leader. At last, he shook the matter out of his face and made trouble for the Song family. They didn't continue to pester him.

Just thinking of song Yan's grim expression when she left, Maureen frowned. If you want to take a woman, you'd better not make any moths, or he will let that woman know what life is like.

"What did she do to provoke you? Look at this. It's like this. " Qiao Tianchang looks at Maureen accidentally, his eyes are full of curiosity.

That woman has the ability to make Maureen look like this.

"Nothing." Maureen had a black face, and he was not stupid enough to let the man see his joke.

Qiao Tianchang looks up and down at Maureen and turns his head at random. That line of sight almost makes him blurry. What kind of eyes.

"What about your two children? I haven't seen it since then. " Asked Maureen curiously.

"I'm sleeping, of course. Do you want to see it? Later. "

"All right."

Qiao Tianchang asked Maureen a lot about the west coast. Hearing Maureen's description of the west coast, Qiao Tianchang frowned. It seems that the west coast is totally different from when he went.

"I don't like that place anymore." Looking at the colorful yard, Maureen couldn't help sneering.

Thinking of the people who want to die all the time in Mo's family, thinking of the mercenary parents, Maureen lowered his eyes.

"Is that bad over there?" Xiao Qitian was surprised and asked, "no matter how bad it is, it's not bad to this point, is it?"?

"It's really that bad. The scenery there is no worse than here, but it's the people's heart that's worse than anything else." Maureen murmured.

Does he suffer less under the hearts of the people? When I was there, I couldn't believe anyone except him. I couldn't help thinking about whether these people approached him with any purpose.

In the long run, Maureen has no good feelings for that place.

Xiao Qitian nodded clearly, but he didn't say much. He didn't go to that place and didn't have the qualification to evaluate what kind of place it was.

Although Xiao Qitian and Mo Lin met for the first time, the relationship between them was really good, very chatty.

Seeing that Maureen gets along well with them, Qiao Tianchang ignores them. Instead, he goes to the house and looks at the two children. Ning Mengyao is sleeping. The two children open their eyes and look around. They don't know what they can see.

Qiao Tianchang went to pick up the child skillfully, put it on the side cart, cover the quilt, and then pulled the quilt for Ning Mengyao to take the child out.

Maureen is talking with Xiao Qitian. Suddenly, he sees Qiao Tianchang pushing a strange looking car out. He seems to hear a very weak babble. It seems that a child is talking.

and Joe as like as two peas came to the side. Morin could not wait to see the past, and saw the two identical dolls on the car, and Morin love them.

"How lovely." Overwhelmed by an unexpected favour as like as two peas, two identical babies are looking at him.

Joe Tianchang gave Maureen a look. Can his son and daughter not be cute?

At this time, Jomo shangfengfenghuo ran over, saw Joao Tianchang side of a small car, eyes immediately lit up.

A small car beside my father means that my brother and sister are awake.

Go to lie on the side of the car and look at the two children inside with bright eyes, and stretch out his hand to pull his brother and sister's hand from time to time. When his hand is held by the two children, Jomo Shang's eyes will shine inexplicably.