"Father, brother and sister look at me." Qiaomo Shangxi laughs at qiaotianchang and says that he is donating treasure.

"Is it?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao moshang and rubs his head, leaving him to play with his brother and sister.

Maureen looked at the little fat man with a surprised smile on his face.

"This is your eldest son?" Maureen said in surprise, the child seems to be less than two years old, right? How can it grow so high? Like a three or four year old.

"No, this is the second son. The eldest is over there." Joe Tianchang pointed to Joe mofeng who came from afar.

Maureen raised his eyebrows slightly and did not ask why he had such a big son.

The arrival of Maureen not only makes their days more lively, but also has nothing bad.

When the child was about to reach the full moon, Bai Mo arrived with Xiao Chengya. Even fengxiao arrived, but there was no shadow around him. They didn't care about Qiao Tianchang. It can be seen from some of his subtle expressions that his current mood seems to be not very good.

Looking at the two children sleeping on the small bed, Feng Xiao finally got a smile on his face.

"Two lovely children." Say so, what Feng Xiao thinks in heart is, when Feng ER was born, is also so lovely.

Xiao looked at her daughter in bed with a faint smile on her face.

"This time you have to take good care of your health, and sit longer for a month, which is good for your health." Xiao Chengya already knew about the difficult labor of Ning Mengyao, and immediately told her.

"I know. Don't worry, mother. Now the children are in Tianchang's care. He doesn't want me to touch them." Speaking of this, Ning Mengyao felt very helpless.

Qiao Tianchang loves the pain she suffered in childbirth, so he has been taking care of the children and her all these days, which makes her very sad.

Xiaochengya looked at her daughter's happy appearance, and her worries were also released.

"I'm relieved to see that you have such a good relationship with Tianchang, but you can't be too headstrong, because Tianchang dotes on you, and you will act recklessly." Xiao Chengya is extremely satisfied with Qiao Tianchang, but she still needs to knock where her daughter should knock. When she saves, she will make Tianchang unhappy.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Chengya, who wants to cry without tears. Does she seem to have done nothing? How did it become willful?

"I know what you said. I'm sure I won't do it." Ningmengyao quickly promised that she was really afraid of her mother and came to scold herself.

Xiao Chengya saw that she listened, and nodded her head with satisfaction.

"If you listen, I'll be relieved."

The mother and daughter are talking about their intimate words in the room, while Bai Mo and Qiao Tianchang are watching the children together in the next room.

It wasn't until the child fell asleep that Joe Tianchang took people outside.

Qiao Tianchang thought of Lin Ziyou's death. Now that people are here, he naturally needs to ask clearly what's going on.

"Do you believe me?" Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a raised eyebrow. All these evidences point to him directly.

"I want to hear from you." Qiao Tianchang's eyes are burning at fengxiao.

He is not the kind of person who judges everything when he listens to others. He is making decisions when he listens to the clients.

"That's not me. That's the one who poisoned me." Feng Xiao was very happy about Qiao Tianchang's trust. He leaned on the chair and said lazily, but several people saw the cold in his eyes.

Qiao Tianchang squints at fengxiao, has something to do with the person who poisoned him?

"So it is." Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly. They were all cold. It seems that after they went to the west coast, they didn't have to turn around like headless flies.

"It seems that we will cooperate after the past." Joe said with a smile.

Feng Xiao was stunned and then smiled, maybe as Qiao Tianchang said.

"Cooperation is good."

Xiao Qitian doesn't really like fengxiao, but it's because Qiao Tianchang and his relationship are good.