But now when I see fengxiao like this, I suddenly feel that it's nice to have such a friend. According to Qiao Tianchang, they say that this person's identity on the west coast is not low. In the future, he can be Qiao Tianchang's help.

In this way, Xiao Qitian's attitude has been more or less relieved, and for his change of attitude, fengxiao is actually a little unexpected.

On the day of the child's full moon, they didn't mean to make a big deal, just get together and have a meal.

After the child's full moon, Ning Mengyao takes care of the child and gives Qiao Tianchang time to go to work with Xiao Qitian.

That day, Qiao Tianchang hurriedly came back from the outside with a worry on his face, which surprised Ning Mengyao.

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you?" Hurriedly put down the matter in hand, Ning Mengyao went to Qiao Tianchang's side, and asked with some worry.

Qiao Tianchang shakes his head, pulls Ning Mengyao to go out, forced to follow Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of doubts.

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you? Where are you taking me?" Ningmengyao asked as she walked. It's not a good feeling to be dragged away.

Qiao Tianchang may also feel the discomfort of ningmengyao. Finally, he stops in a hurry and turns to look at ningmengyao, who is slightly breathless.

"Yao Yao, I'm so anxious to take you out to meet someone." Qiao Tianchang's expression became serious.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang blankly, but her eyes are full of doubts.

Who on earth are you in such a hurry to see?

When they arrived at the place, what they saw was not falling, but some of them were different. Their hair was all white. If it wasn't for the familiar face, she couldn't believe it was not falling.

"You want me to see it? Why? " It's just that you don't have to rush if you haven't seen it? It's like something big happened.

Well, even though it's not the same as it is now, it looks like something big has happened.

Not to see the arrival of ningmengyao, as well as her face differences and consternation, smiled.

"Didn't you expect to see me here?" Did not fall to look at Ning Mengyao smile to ask.

Ning Mengyao nodded without any embarrassment: "I really didn't expect to see you here."

She thought about the way they would meet, but she didn't think it would be like this, and she was dragged by Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes fell on him, with exploration in them. He felt guilty when he was looked at by Ning Mengyao.

"Don't blame him, Mengyao. I asked him to help." Not fall to look at Ning Mengyao to explain.

However, this explanation made Joe Tianchang's face dark.

"WeiLuo, I just promised Feng Xiao's help. What do you mean you let me help you?" What I told him was fengxiao. It was fengxiao who asked him for help. How can I get to this woman? She asked him for help?

This kind of easily misunderstood words, trouble her or don't say, OK?

His face was slightly stiff, and Qiao Tianchang, who looked ugly, knew that his words were uncomfortable.

"Mengyao is not so mean, is she? It's just a joke. " Did not fall to look at Ning Mengyao said jokingly.

"I'm not mean to others, but my heart and eyes are about the size of pinholes for anything about Tianchang." In Ning Mengyao's eyes, friends and relatives can share, but lovers can't, even if it's just a joke.

It's awkward to say that by Ning Mengyao.

"Well, I'll pay attention later." Said not to fall silent, she will have later? Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing at herself. She couldn't even protect her life. What's the future?

"What do you want Tianchang to call me for, not just to tell me this?" Because of Qiao Mo Feng's reason, Ning Mengyao has no good feeling for WeiLuo, but she can accept fengxiao. After all, she can see that fengxiao really likes Fenger.

"Mengyao, we shouldn't be like this." Not fall helplessly looking at ningmengyao, her attitude so that not fall some at a loss.