But now he's just too much to like.

Joe mofeng smiled coldly, and looked at the expression as if he saw something very interesting.

"You said you wouldn't let me stay there? Against your mother? I'm a thoughtful person. If I have thoughts, I will have resistance. And I think they are more like their own parents to me than you are to me. I feel sad for a mother like you. I remember a lot of things, just don't want to say it. But if you really want to do something to my brother, I'm sorry. Even if I have enemies against you, I will protect my children well. " Qiaomofeng looked at the words.

Has not fallen by Qiao Mo Feng Qi heart and liver all ache, this is her son? No, no, it's not her son, it's not.

"You are not my son. Who are you when my son is not so rebellious as you?"

Outside fengxiao some can not see, came to look down at the side has grown into a small youth Qiao Mo Feng.

With Ning Mengyao and their friends, feng'er is well educated in both etiquette and martial arts, especially his son's internal power is not weak now, which is the credit of others.

"You don't want to have my son? I don 't want to have a selfish mother like you. " Joe murphyn didn't care a bit.

But Feng Xiao, who was very close to him, saw his slightly shaking hand.

Reach out to put on Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder, that strange warmth let Qiao Mo Feng's anger in the heart gradually suppress down, even feel that this kind of feeling is really very good.

Is this the so-called father's love? It's as warm as when dad was holding him.

Suddenly looked up at fengxiao, saw that he was looking at himself with very gentle eyes, the heart suddenly became very warm and comfortable.

"It's your business not to let you know what you're going to do, but don't involve us or hurt that child." Feng Xiao embraces Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder and looks at the cold mouth.

There was a slight change in WeiLuo's face. She looked at the father and son who were close to each other.

"You go, you don't know anything." WeiLuo didn't want to see them like this, he said angrily.

"I don't know anything, but I know that I can't use the life span of others to grow myself, and it's still a child. Don't you think you are cruel like an executioner?" Feng Xiao looked at it and said coldly.

Fengxiao actually knows a lot about the prophet. That's because he didn't fall, so he spent a lot of time to find out about it later.

It's a fact that a prophet with great ability has a life span of less than 35 years. But in the circle of prophets, one thing is also known. As long as the prophet transfers his or her prediction ability to the person who is used for the prediction talent at the end of his or her life span, she can continue to live like the ordinary people, but her body will be weaker, and she can't live Prophecy about the future.

The reason why WeiLuo will find Qiao moshang is that he has the gift of prophecy. This is the first one. The second one is to let Qiao Tianchang send people to her and transfer their prophecy ability to Qiao moshang in the name of teaching, so as to get a chance to live.

Her face changed a lot because of fengxiao. She looked at fengxiao with disbelief. She didn't understand why he was so clear about these things.

"How do you know these things? I still know that clearly. "

"Why? Of course, it's to get to know you better. I always thought you wouldn't do such a thing, but I was wrong. In front of death, not everyone can wait for death peacefully. The reason why you walk around these days is to find a person with the ability of prophecy, right? " Feng Xiao looked at not falling cold voice asked.

Joe mofeng is not a fool. He can't understand the dialogue between them. On the contrary, he can understand all of them.

"What would happen if she really transferred her prediction ability to Shanger?" Qiao Mo Feng worried looking at Feng Xiao asked.

"Not twenty."