"What? Why? " Qiao Mo Feng stared a pair of eyes, some can't believe looking at Feng Xiao.

"Why not? The existence of the prophet is contrary to the sky, and suddenly he gets a powerful force, which is very strong for his own body load, so he can only rapidly reduce his vitality. " Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Mo Feng and said in a cold voice.

Qiao Mo Feng looks at fengxiao stupidly. His expression is very serious. It's not like he's lying. He's shocked and nothing else happens to his face. It's obvious that what fengxiao said is true.

"Ha ha, it's really good. I want to treat a two-year-old like this for my own life. Besides, the parents of the other side have raised me for several years and taught me for several years. This is my mother. It's a person like you who repays kindness and hatred?" Qiao Mo Feng looks at not to fall ruthlessly to say.

At this moment, he really wants to leave everything to WeiLuo.

"That's why you went back with my mother, isn't it?" Qiaomofeng looked at it and said in a cold voice.

I didn't fall behind and didn't speak. Looking at those two people who were blaming themselves, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, and I felt very bad.

"What's the matter with me wanting to live?" Now ningmengyao has two more children. What's wrong with giving her one? So she can survive. What's wrong? She doesn't want to die, especially after fengxiao stays by her side, she doesn't want to die any more. She wants to be with fengxiao all the time, and will never be separated.

"I just want to have more time with you, isn't it?"

"Enough, don't make excuses for your selfishness. You say it's for us, but have you ever thought about your parents? How sad are they to lose Shanger and know the truth? " Joe Mo Feng looked at it angrily, and the expression on his face was disapproval and hatred.

"Feng'er is right. We don't need your company. If you get a life that doesn't belong to you in this way, we will only hate you and stay away from you." If he doesn't, he does what he says.

"You They have three children, but what happened to one? " The harsh voice of the two people's ears rings, and fengxiao looks at her with a kind of astonishment.

"How many of our children are wrong?" A cold voice suddenly came out.

At this sound, Joe mofeng's head was lowered, and he did not dare to look into their eyes at all.

Ningmengyao goes to Qiao mofeng's side and reaches out to knock on his head.

"Run out without saying a word, and we are afraid to die."

"I'm sorry, mom." Qiao Mo, Feng Nuo and Nuo apologized. He really liked Ning Mengyao.

"It has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry." Ning Mengyao said softly.

She also understood in her heart that the reason why the Qiao Mo feng people would appear here was probably because he had overheard Qiao Tianchang's conversation, so he would come to find the unfinished one.

Feng Xiao on the side saw that Ning Mengyao was as relieved as ever to Qiao mofeng, and the expression on his face was more warm.

Did not fall to look at their expression, suddenly feel 20 points dazzling.

Qiao Tianchang came in from the outside and didn't take a look.

"The man ran away and didn't catch up." Qiao Tianchang's words made her face slightly changed. This subtle expression was shown by Qiao Tianchang, who had been paying attention to her.

Ningmengyao frowned, very uncomfortable in the heart, even let people run.

"I'm a little upset that I ran away." Said Ning Mengyao softly.

Qiao Tianchang nodded. He was really upset. He had already caught up with people. Who knows that he disappeared suddenly, or where he went.

"Don't beat my son's master before he falls, you can't bear my anger." Ningmengyao looked at the words that had not fallen.

Feng Xiao stands at one side and looks at Ning Mengyao's threat, disappointment on his face, and the occurrence of everything. Even though he has some heartache in his heart, he can't accept it.

He may not be a good man, but he won't do it to children.