Now, she is not as bright as before. She looks like an old man in old age. Although her appearance is still so young, it can not hide the vicissitudes and sadness in her eyes.

"The mother went home to see her brother and sister." When Qiao moshang saw that Ning Mengyao was leaving, he began to play coquettish and cute again.

"Well, go home to see my brother. Fenger, would you like to leave with us or stay?" The purpose of their coming is to find Qiao mofeng. Now people find nature and shouldn't stay for too long.

"Mom, I'll go back with you." Joe mofeng left without thinking. He really didn't want to stay in this place.

After Ning Mengyao and his wife left with Qiao mofeng's brother, Feng Xiao came to her side, reached for her face, and gently rubbed her cheek.

"Fengxiao, can you help me? I don't want to die. I want to be with you. " Did not fall to look at his still gentle expression, hurriedly grabbed his clothes and said anxiously.

Feng Xiao did not like to hear the same, still gently stroking the cheek, seems to be very satisfied with her appearance.

"Fengxiao you......"

"Don't you see that? It's not easy for Jomo to hurt that man. You can't fight him without him, even if he's just a child. " Just now, what Qiao moshang said to WeiLuo, he heard all of them. It was the same as ordinary people that made fengxiao think of something.

That's what Jomo did outside before his death.

His eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that the boy already knew these things, but he didn't open his mouth.

"No way. Why do you say that without help?" Not fall body to push Feng Xiao away angry voice to say.

Looking at what has completely changed, Feng Xiao sighs.

"If you can't see his future, it means he has no future, or his future is written by himself, just like painting." A piece of white rice paper can be painted as you like. At last, it will be painted into a huge picture.

"You can't provoke Qiao Tianchang and his wife even if they don't see the truth. They are not as simple as you think." Feng Xiao looks at the whispering voice.

"Fengxiao, if you don't help me, leave here. Don't scold me here. I don't want to hear you. Get out of here." WeiLuo pointed at the door and said angrily.

Feng Xiao is not angry, just looking at it, the smile in her eyes has never reached the bottom of her eyes.

"I don't want to stay in this smoky place anymore." After that, he turned around and left, but didn't fall at the moment when he left and fell to the ground. In his head, Qiao moshang said those words, but also fengxiao's words.

Two different voices, let the gap collapse, she reached for his head, his face is twisted pain.

After fengxiao walked out of the yard, he looked at the people coming and going in the street. Suddenly, he was interested in seeing them. He planned to go back here.

Finally, when I went back, I took a lot of small bags, including toys for two children and things for Joe mofeng.

"These things are not the best. When you go to the west coast, you can tell me what you want. I will help you find them." Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Mo Feng and promised.

Joe mofeng suddenly felt that the things in his hands seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms.


"Well, I didn't force you to accept anything. I just hope you are happy every day and have a clear conscience. As for our relationship, isn't that good?" Feng Xiao smiles.

The two of them don't get along as fast as they used to when they first met.

And fengxiao is like an encyclopedia. He knows a lot of things, so he likes to pester fengxiao to tell stories when he is free every day.

In such a scene, fengxiao dreamed that he would wake up and sit for a whole night, no matter how sleepy he was.

Now when such a picture appears in front of him, fengxiao feels that he has got the whole world.