As for the relationship with fengxiao before, Qiao mofeng also had some problems. Fengxiao was very good to him, as good as Qiao Tianchang was to him, and respected him. He never said that he wanted to force him to do anything, which was why he felt guilty.

Every day with Shanger by his side, listening to his stories, he felt that fengxiao knew a lot of knowledge, as erudite as his parents, and what his parents knew was not the same as what he knew.

My father is very talented in military affairs. My mother has original opinions on business and life. What fengxiao knows is more inclined to all. Although he doesn't know about astronomy or geography, most of them can say it. So he likes to stay beside fengxiao and chat with him.

Qiao Tianchang and his wife are very satisfied with his change. After all, they are both parents and sons no matter what. If they are the same as their enemies, they will suffer from their adoptive parents.

What hasn't fallen doesn't say that in fengxiao's heart is a thorn. Even Qiao mofeng feels that there is a thorn in his heart. He feels uncomfortable no matter what.

This day, Qiao moshang rarely pesters Qiao Moshan to follow him to find fengxiao.

Qiao mofeng found fengxiao, lying beside him, with a clear lonely face.

"Why does uncle Feng do this? I've been thinking, but I can't understand. " He's been thinking about it these days, but he can't understand it.

Reaching out and rubbing the head melon seeds of Qiao Mo Feng, Feng Xiao's eyes are full of doting smile.

"It's normal that you don't understand now, but there is a sentence you should have heard. People's hearts are the most difficult to see. No matter who you are facing, don't believe it easily, because no one can guarantee what will happen next, just like your mother." Feng Xiao looks down at the little man leaning on his leg, with a light smile on his face.

Qiao Mo Feng frowned and looked up at Feng Xiao in surprise.

"Can't I trust my parents, too?" How could they have any purpose for him if they were so kind to him? Besides, he didn't seem to have any place for him to think that he could make Joe happy with their calculations.

"Ask your own heart and you will know the answer." Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Mo Feng funny. His son is so cute that he can ask such a question.

Joe mofeng felt his nose embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, my parents are very good to me, just like treating Shanger." Although sometimes they will treat Shanger better, Joe mofeng feels that his position is the same as Shanger in their hearts.

"Isn't that right?" Feng Xiao couldn't help laughing and said that he didn't want to let Qiao mofeng have any gap between Qiao Tianchang and his wife because of his words.

"But I still can't understand her. She doesn't like me. I can understand her. But my mother saved her life, but now she wants to fight against Shanger." Joe mofeng said in some embarrassment.

Fengxiao naturally knows Qiao mofeng's tangle in his heart, but he can't explain it too much. Maybe in everyone's heart, it's his own life that matters most. As for others, they have to stand by the side.

"Feng'er doesn't need to think so much. We can worry about these things. As long as you follow Tianchang and your husband to learn the ability to survive, it's enough." Feng Xiao smiled at Qiao Mo Feng and said.

If Joe mofeng is by his side, I'm afraid he can't work hard. He is asked to do so many trainings every day, but he looks very satisfied every day. If he's worried, he swallows it, and can't say anything else.

"Well, I want to protect my brother and sister." Jomo Feng nodded quickly. Now he has two more brothers and sisters. He needs to practice martial arts well, so that he can protect them.

"Let me see how far your internal power cultivation has come." Said Feng Xiao.

These days, something like this happens every day. Maybe Joe mofeng told him what he learned today. Maybe Feng Xiao checked his martial arts.