He will not force fengxiao to help him. After all, that person is also the one he likes. He should not do it.

As expected, fengxiao was silent, and the banter on her face disappeared. Instead, it was dignified.

"I'll think about it." Feng Xiao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

"Good." Qiao Tianchang talks with fengxiao for a while, and then leaves.

After Qiao Tianchang left, Feng Xiao had been sitting in the same place with an obvious trance on his face. Should he help them? Just think of not fall, he that is easy, and uncontrolled uncomfortable.

When Qiao Tianchang went back, he found that Qiao moshang was sitting on the soft collapse with a serious cross legged face, which made Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter? What do you want? " Go to reach out and pick up Jomo Shang, sit where he just did, and let him sit in his arms.

"He's been like this since you left." Ning Mengyao comes over and helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang and says.

She has never seen her son look serious. It's really interesting to see him.

"Dad, you Don't you feel curious? " Jomo Shang looked at them and asked.

Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao were stunned at first, then laughed.

"No matter who you are, you are the precious son of your mother and me." Qiao Tianchang reached out and rubbed his son's face.

In his heart, no matter what kind of ability and cleverness Qiao moshang has, he is his favorite son.

Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang. He thought about many possibilities and thought that they would look at themselves with strange eyes, but he didn't expect that what they said would be this.

Ningmengyao walked over and gave Qiao mofeng a heavy flick on his head.

"You are such a silly little monkey that you and your father think so badly?" Ning Mengyao couldn't help but stare at her son, said angrily.

"No." Qiao Mo Shang covers his forehead and shakes his head. At this time, he dare not say that he has, or his mother will hit him again.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell your parents about the little monkey, or if they don't ask you about it, but what do you have to tell us? Don't hide yourself in your heart, do you know?" Ning Mengyao looks at her son with heartache.

He has been very mature since he can speak. At the beginning of speaking, he can speak a lot, and clearly express what he wants. There are many things. Although he has tried his best to cover up, how can they, as parents, not find the abnormality of their children?

It's just that they think it's the secret of Jomo Shang. If they don't say it, they won't ask about it.

"It's very kind of you, mom and dad." Qiao moshang sits in Qiao Tianchang's arms, reaches out to hug Ning Mengyao's neck and rubs it intimately.

He likes his name best. Uncle Qi Tian said that he was given the name of Mo Shang at the beginning because his parents hoped that he would not be hurt and be safe all his life.

"You little thing." Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and patted Qiao moshang's small buttock. He said with a face.

"He bullied me again." Qiao moshang looks at Ning Mengyao with his watery eyes open, and all his eyes are grievances.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a smile and reached out and rubbed his son's head, which was actually very good.

"Mother will help you beat him." Said in Joe Tianchang's head also knocked, this change Joe Tianchang dissatisfied.

"If you have a son, daughter-in-law, don't do it."

"My father is shy, so grown-up, he is as coquettish as Shanger." Joe moshang comes out of Joe Tianchang's arms, makes a big face at him, and then runs out.

When Jomo shangran to the door, an arrow shot quickly and nailed it to the door frame on the side.

Qiao Tianchang's face changed greatly. He hurriedly walked over and looked up and down at Qiao moshang. He was relieved to see that he was not hurt.

"Are you OK, little monkey?" Ning Mengyao, with a white face, went to look at her son worried.

"It's OK."

Qiao Tianchang pulls out the arrow. There is a note on it. There is only one sentence on the note, that is, let them take Qiao moshang to replace Qiao Moshan.