Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that the woman is not dead.

"Is there something wrong with my brother?"

"It's OK. Dad will go to find your uncle Feng and come back soon. Yaoyao, you look after Shanger." Finish saying also not wait for Ning Mengyao to answer, hurriedly left.

Qiao Tianchang came across fengxiao who was in a hurry with a black face and a note on his way.

"You've got a letter, too?" Looking at Qiao Tianchang who also holds the note in his hand, fengxiao asks.

Qiao Tianchang nodded. It seems that the woman did this on purpose to cause conflicts between the two people.

One is his son, the other is fengxiao's son. How should he choose? How should fengxiao choose?

"Where she said it, I know. Let's go and have a look now." Feng Xiao said with a cold face. He didn't mention that he wanted to take Qiao Mo to mourn.

"Don't worry. Feng'er will be fine until you see shang'er." Qiao Tianchang said thoughtfully.

I still need to rely on war to prolong my life. I won't do it before that.

"Then what are you going to do?" Feng Xiao also knew that Qiao Tianchang was right, but when he thought that he had captured feng'er before he fell, his anger kept rising.

"Go to find Qi Tian and Yufeng first." Qiao Tianchang took Feng Xiao to Xiao Qitian's place, and let people call Yu Feng.

After learning that Qiao mofeng was arrested and used to threaten Qiao Tianchang, Xiao Qitian's face immediately changed.

"Tianchang, I think there is another possibility." After hearing Qiao Tianchang's analysis, Xiao Qitian said if he had some thoughts.

"What is possible?"

"He knows you won't take Shanger, he will save Fenger himself, and then after you all leave, they may send someone to catch Shanger." Since they can take Jomo Feng away from the palace, they may treat Jomo Shangri like this.

Feng Xiao frowned and thought about it. He thought it was very possible.

"It's possible, so now we need to do two things."

When they discussed, Qiao mofeng was facing WeiLuo, and the expression on his face was cold without any emotion.

"Do you think they will send Jomo to you? If not, will fengxiao treat them like that? " Did not fall also did not care about Qiao Mo Feng not to take care of himself at all, on the contrary, said to himself on the side.

Joe mofeng lowered his head and didn't say a word since he was caught here.

When he knew that WeiLuo even threatened Qiao Tianchang with his own intention to provoke the relationship between them, Qiao moshang had no feelings left in his heart. Now WeiLuo is just a familiar stranger to Qiao Moshan.

Did not fall to look at Qiao Mo Feng that way, reaching out to hold his chin, let it be forced to look at her.

"Do you really want to know why I hate you so much?" Did not fall to look at Joe Mo Feng suddenly asked.

Joe mofeng's expression remained the same, and the sky's eyes looked at him. He frowned with disgust, raised his hand and slapped it on his face.

"Don't look at me with such a face and your eyes, which makes me want to kill you." Did not fall in Joe Mo Feng's ear whispered.

Although Joe mofeng tried hard to let himself not care, but heard such cruel words, he couldn't help but stare round his eyes, and couldn't believe it.

He didn't understand why he had to do this to him.

"You want to know? It's a pity that I don't want to tell you now. I have to wait for fengxiao. It's only interesting to tell the secret when he comes, isn't it? " Before falling, he laughs loudly. His eyes are full of strange colors. That way, Qiao mofeng feels a little cold.

"What do you want to do?" Qiaomofeng looked at the sound and asked hoarsely.

"What? Of course, I'm going to live. I only have such a short time. I don't need to use it. Do I have to wait here to die? "

"In order to live, can you hurt others?" Joe mofeng can't understand her saying that what is to survive is an excuse at all.