"Of course, what does the life of others have to do with me? How can you not inherit the power of a prophet? If you also have this potential, then I can't find someone else? " Did not fall to look at Qiao Mo Feng to lose voice to murmur, that son let Qiao Mo Feng's expression some ugly, she this is want to do to herself?

Should he be glad that he doesn't have such a powerful ability now?

"Ha ha, I have never been regarded as a son in your heart, have you?" Jomo Feng lowered his eyes and murmured in a low voice, which was small enough to make it clear.

WeiLuo had some crazy face with a grim expression.

"Son? What qualifications do you have to be my son? You are fengxiao's son. What do you have to do with me? " When he didn't say this, his mood seemed to be out of control, which made Qiao mofeng afraid.

Qiao mofeng looked as if he had gone mad, but there was a chill in his eyes.

"Ha ha, it's so magnificent. Didn't you come to approach him first, and then I came?" These things, he listened to Feng Xiao as a story.

Also, according to his father's status, why do you like a woman of unknown origin? And he also said that the reason why she didn't fall together at the beginning was because she used some unnecessary means.

At this point, she still has the face to say other people? Don't you think it's funny?

"What do you say?"

"Am I wrong? Isn't it because you approached my father and climbed into his bed? " Qiao Mo Feng looked at not to fall calmly said.

Before falling, the nerves were almost broken, because Joe mofeng's words were more fragile. What did he say just now, this damned child?

That memory is just like a nightmare for WeiLuo. She doesn't like fengxiao. She doesn't like fengxiao at all, but she can only get close to him and his children. She thought it would be enough. As long as things are over, she can eliminate everyone's memories, but at last she found that she has eliminated the memories of the people.

But fengxiao remembered everything, which was only discovered when she met later.

With this discovery, she can only follow fengxiao's side to help him, but also to his incomparable alienation, but also pretend to be very painful, which is torture for her.

As for Qiao mofeng, who was taken away by ningmengyao, she was very happy. After all, she didn't need to see this face like fengxiao.

But who could have thought that fate was such a trick? At last she knew the secret of tongbaozhai, but at last she didn't know how to enter. She remembered the steps and everything, but when she secretly passed by, she found that she couldn't find the way at all, and the original entry method seemed to have lost its effect.

"Shut up, you know what? You don't know anything. I don't like him at all. I hate him. " Hate that he took everything away from her. She has a real love, but why is it like this now.

Joe Mo Feng didn't speak again, just looked at him calmly.

Now, she is different from her memory. Maybe the more you know, the more disappointed you will be.

That's roughly what it means.

"It's your business. It has nothing to do with me, but I think it's a shame for him to be with you." Qiaomofeng looked at it, thin lips light open, said word by word.

It's hard to tell whether Qiao mofeng or fengxiao is in front of her. Seeing his expression and the face too similar to fengxiao, her face turns vicious.

"I hate your face." Not fall to take a knife step by step to Joe Mo Feng's side, hands raised high, and then heavy row down.

Joe mofeng felt a sharp pain on his face, warm blood flowed out, and there was still a crazy sound in his ear.

However, this is just the beginning. WeiLuo is just like being crazy. He starts to work on Joe mofeng's face.