When she stopped panting, Joe mofeng's face could not be seen at all. It could only be described by one word, that is, flesh and blood.

Joe mofeng's voice is hoarse and his eyes are full of hatred. If he can leave here alive, he must make this woman pay a heavy price.

When Feng Xiao and Qiao Tianchang arrived, they saw this scene from the roof. If they were not too familiar with those eyes, they couldn't even believe that this was their handsome son.

"Wait a minute. Grandpa Hei is here. Feng'er will be fine. Don't worry." Qiao Tianchang grabs Feng Xiao's hand and whispers.

"Now that you have come, what are you still up there for? Don't you want to come and see the present I have prepared for you? " He said and laughed.

Qiao Tianchang and his wife looked at each other, jumped down from the roof, kicked the door open and walked in.

As soon as he entered fengxiao, he hurriedly ran to Qiao mofeng's side, took out a pill and fed it to Qiao mofeng. Then he took the good acne medicine he had with him and helped him deal with the wound simply.

"Feng'er is not afraid. My father is here." Feng Xiao's voice trembled slightly. He could hardly hear Qiao Mo Feng's breathing.

If it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of his chest, he would have thought he was gone.

Qiao Mo Feng heard a very familiar and gentle voice in his ear, and felt that the pain on his face seemed to be slightly relieved, and there was a smell of medicine in his mouth.

Hard to open his eyes, he saw fengxiao. Fengxiao's eyes were full of anxiety. When he woke up, his eyes burst with strong excitement and joy.

"Uncle Feng You're here. "

"Well, I'm here, and so is your father. We won't let you suffer for nothing." If you dare to hurt his son, you will pay a heavy price.

Qiao Mo Feng pulled the corner of his mouth, affected the wound on his face, and immediately frowned.

"Don't move. Save the wound. I'll send you back first. Let old black man show you the wound. You can rest assured that your face will be OK." Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Mo Feng and comforts her.

"Well, I believe in Grandpa."

"Dark, take the young master back to miss Ning and them." Feng Xiao calls out the dark Wei around him.

"It's the master."

"In addition, let Huai come at once, and he will follow the young master from now on." This time it was his negligence. He should have sent someone to guard his son, otherwise he would not be hurt like this.


Dark walked to Qiao Mo Feng's side, reached out to pick up the person, denounced: "young master offended."

After Qiao mofeng was taken away by the dark, Feng Xiao's face changed. These days, he doted on his beloved son carefully, but he was injured like this. He would not forget that.

In her eyes, Qiao mofeng was dead. After all, she added materials.

"It seems that you are not going to do what I said. Do you think it's OK to take him back? He will die as well. " Not fall to look at two people ha ha to say with a smile.

"You poisoned?"

"So what?"

Joe Tianchang suddenly smiled, with a strange smile.

"Poison? That's Xiaobai's favorite thing. Qingshuang and black grandpa are also very interested in poison. " Qiao Tianchang seems to be casual, but in fact he says ironically to WeiLuo.

She seemed to forget that there was a Linghu beside them.

If it wasn't because Xiao Qifeng's poison was too deep, Xiaobai would have cured people long ago, how could it wait until now?

"Are you disappointed? Feng'er will not only be OK, but also live a long life. It's you Is today your day of death? " Qiao Tianchang looked at it and said cruelly.

When Qiao Tianchang was about to start, fengxiao reached out and stopped him.

"What is your purpose of approaching me."

"Close to your purpose? It's your good mother who let me get close to you. In order to contain you, then Poison you. Is the poison of seven insects and seven flowers very painful? I just didn't expect that you were so lucky to find an antidote. "