Qiao mofeng saw his father and smiled at him without opening his mouth. He just looked down at the little guys beside him and saw them struggling hard against the things in their hands. He had a thick smile on his face. What lovely little things.

When Feng Xiao saw it clearly, he found that their hands were actually a common kind of fruit here, which could not be eaten, but was very hard. These little things obviously wanted to find out what they were.

"Do you want dad to help?" Looking at the difficult appearance of tangtangdoudou, Qiao Tianchang finally couldn't help but open his mouth. With their little arm, it would take a long time to get the hard fruit apart.

Sugar quickly took a few fruits to Joe Tianchang's side, looking at him.

"Daddy has a pain in his hand." He put his little hand out in front of Joe Tianchang.

Looking at the red sales, Qiao Tianchang was distressed. He reached out and sat with his daughter on one side. Then he put some fruits in her hand and squeezed them hard. Then the candy heard the click. Within two seconds, Qiao Tianchang spread out his hand.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang holding the fruit of the white thing in his hand, his eyes were full of doubts, and he jumped down from Qiao Tianchang.

"Brother, you see it's white, but what's this?" Sugar sugar took the fruit in Qiao Tianchang's palm and ran to their side, asking curiously.

Jomo Shang didn't know what it was. He didn't see it from left to right.

"Or shall we ask our mother?" Just now, my mother came and prepared food for them. She must know what it is.

"Well, let's go find the mother."

"What can I do for you?" Ning Mengyao looks at a few small things and asks with some doubts.

"My parents just opened the fruit for sugar and sugar. There is this white thing in it. What do you think it is?" Tangtang hands over the things in his hand, and then looks at ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao looks at the fruit and feels familiar. Then she looks at the small fruit that hasn't been opened on the ground.

The fruit is only thumb size, round, or brown.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly. He took a piece of white things in the palm of his hand and put it into his mouth. His eyes suddenly lit up. This taste is true. It's a kind of modern nut with some expensive but good taste, xiaweiyiguo.

"Can I eat this, mother?" Tangtang looks at her mother, like she's so delicious.

Ningmengyao squats down to look at her daughter and hands her things to her.

"Try it yourself."

Qiao Tianchang was worried that this thing could not be eaten, but he thought that Ning Mengyao could not be harmful to his children, so he quietly watched the exhibition.

Tangtang looks at Ning Mengyao and her palm. She timidly takes a piece and puts it into her mouth. Then her eyes light up.

"Mother, this is delicious." Then he picked up the rest and ran to Doudou's side.

That taste, immediately let the eyes of several children shine, sugar and beans three people from the ground grabbed a handful, ran to Joe Tianchang's side, looking at him.

Qiao Tianchang looks at his three children with tears and smiles, and appoints them to have fruit, but how can he feel familiar with this?

Joe mofeng also picked up a few to help the three small to open the shell, the pulp took out and put it on the plate, soon the plate filled a lot.

Qiao Tianchang is also there. Even Muchen was arrested by his son.

"Wow, so much." Sugar looked at the pulp on the front plate, eyes shining.

The big three plates excited several children.

"Thank you, Dad."

"I like to give it back to you after eating." Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched two small heads.

"Dad is the best."

Fengxiao also ate a few, but he didn't expect that it was better than that kind of iron pimples and hard little things over there, and it tasted so good after it was opened.

"By the way, where did you get these things?" Ning Mengyao looks at several small openings and asks.

"It fell from the trees up and down behind."