When Ning Mengyao heard this, he was not calm. He called Qiao Tianchang and they went to Shoushan. When they saw those things, Ning Mengyao's eyelids jumped. Then he told the following people to pick up the fruits and put them away.

Although it can't be sold, the children like to eat it and it's good to keep some.

After living in Xiaoyao villa for nearly a month, fengxiao is finally ready to leave.

"Why are you ready to leave?" Ningmengyao had some accidents. He thought he would stay for a longer time.

Feng Xiao nods. If he doesn't go back, the old man will jump.

"Since that's the case, you should be careful. Our plan is to take them around with sugar and sugar. They haven't played anywhere in the past few years." Over the years, they have detained their two children and never allowed them to go out. Now it's a chance for them to visit everywhere.

Now that they have almost finished their work, they plan to visit the place where Xiao's family is located.

"In that line, you should be careful yourself, but according to your martial arts, there are not many problems." Feng Xiao nodded. He didn't feel surprised at all when they were going out. Instead, he took it for granted.

If they have been huddled in this place, then he is really curious.

"The one in your family will watch for us. If you want to make trouble with people, don't make them die." Qiao Tianchang said with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry, you won't be deprived of the chance of revenge."

Mu Chen and Yufeng look at each other and decide to take their children around to see this place.

"Xiaoyao, since you are going to go out, let's go out and have a look."


On the third day after fengxiao left, the people prepared things and went to several places respectively.

This time, they didn't let people follow them, but drove by themselves. Ning Mengyao and two small carriages drove by Qiao Tianchang, while Qiao mofeng and Qiao moshang rode on the side because they didn't want to take the carriage.

After knowing that they were going to come out to play, the two little ones were very excited. They were not honest in the carriage. They leaned over the window and looked outside. From time to time, they gathered together and muttered something, or asked Joe mofeng some very childish questions.

It took most of the day before they came to a place called Yaocheng.

"Let's go in and find a place to rest and then play."

"Good." Ningmengyao would naturally agree with Qiao Tianchang. They didn't rush out this time and stopped for a while wherever they went.

Qiao Tianchang drove in the carriage, and the people looked at the carriage with some luxury, as well as a big and a small one with a horse on the side. They were all curious about whose child this was, so excellent.

He found the best restaurant in Yaocheng, asked for three rooms, ordered some food, and told them to take care of their horses before going upstairs to eat.

When the family went upstairs, Tangtang and Doudou were so excited and ran so fast that they accidentally bumped into a person who came downstairs.

"I'm sorry." Tangtang and Doudou know they have run into someone, so they apologize.

"I don't know the etiquette, where the kid comes from." What they ran into was a lady who seemed to be very rich, but from her words, it can be seen that this man was not easy to provoke.

"Lan Ting, what are you making such a fuss about? It's just that the two kids accidentally hit you and they apologized. How can you still talk like that? " The woman on the edge frowned and looked at Lanting, very unhappy.

"Lan Xin's business is not up to you. Get out of my way." LAN Ting is disgusted to see that Lan Xin, who is a good person, hates the hypocrisy of this person most.

Lanxin doesn't care about Lanting, but squats down to look at the two children, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Are you two OK?"

"It's OK. Thank you, beautiful sister." Sugar raised his face, very sweet mouth said.

Lanxin reached out and pinched the faces of the two little guys: "be careful next time. You can't run around in such a place."