Tangtang and Doudou are embarrassed to touch their little faces, some of them are at a loss to face their fingers.

"We were a little excited when we went out for the first time." It's the first time they've been away from home. Of course, they'll be happy. They're just a little complacent when they're happy. That's why they bump into people. But that elder sister is so fierce that they don't like her at all.

"What happened to you two, sugar beans?" Following Ning Mengyao, they came quickly when they heard the voice. Seeing two children talking to a woman, they held back and asked.

"My mother, we ran so fast that we accidentally ran into that elder sister, but we all said sorry and she was still angry." Tangtang points to Lanting and says with some grievances.

"Well, it's better for this sister." Doudou also nodded and pointed to Lanxin.

Lan Xin looks at the two fathers with a daze in her eyes. The two outstanding people look at their clothes. It's not something that ordinary people can have. They know whether they are rich or not.

"Thank you." Ningmengyao goes to Lanxin to thank her.

"You are welcome. The two children are very good." Lan Xin said with a smile on her face. It's not hard to see from her expression that she wants to like her two children.

Looking at Lan Xin and these two people, LAN Ting's face is distorted. She is very dissatisfied and pushes away Lan Xin and stares at Ning Mengyao.

"Are you the parents of these two little ghosts? Do you know how expensive my dress is? Can you afford to pay for the crash? " LAN Ting said angrily.

She bought the clothes from the embroidery shop of Xiaoyao mountain villa with difficulty, but it cost her nearly 10000 Liang silver. It was first handed out today. Who knows that she ran into two fidgety little ghosts, ran into her and didn't say anything, and dirtied her clothes.

Ningmengyao can see at a glance that the clothes are from the embroider shop, and the price is only moderate.

"Oh? What do you want to do? " Ningmengyao looks at Lanting with her hands around her chest.

But Qiao Tianchang didn't pay any attention to this clamorous woman at all, walked to the side and picked up the two children.

"Two little troublemakers."

"Of course, they have to pay for it. They have soiled my clothes. Shouldn't they pay for it?" LAN Ting said angrily.

Ningmengyao hasn't spoken yet, and Lanxin on the edge looks at her disapprovingly.

"Lan Ting, your clothes are not damaged. Why do you want to be compensated? Besides, it's just carelessness. " Lan Xin frowned and said that she was very annoyed at LAN Ting's vexatious behavior.

"Lan Xin, you don't want to be a good person here. If you don't have money, you should take care of the children and don't let them out to make trouble." After LAN Ting scolds Lan Xin, she scolds Ning Mengyao and them.

Ning Mengyao turns her head and looks at Qiao Tianchang.

"Tianchang says we have no money."

"Well, I heard that."

"Mother, we killed her with money." Said Jomo Shang, gnashing his teeth.

Dare to bully his brother and sister, and say they have no money? It's like looking for a smoke.

It's been a long time since I heard the news here. Now it's funny to hear that this 6-7-year-old kid told his mother that he would kill others with money.

"That's a good idea." Qiao Tianchang frowned, thought about it, then nodded, thinking that his son's idea was very good.

"Don't you want us to pay for your clothes? So we'll pay for it. Is it just as we like your suit? Even in front of everyone, tear the suit off. " Ningmengyao listened to the father and son singing and then smiled at Lanting and said gently.

The people on the side couldn't help shivering. This lady is terrible.

Ning Mengyao takes a thick stack of silver tickets from Qiao Tianchang, looks at the face above and looks at the clothes on LAN ting.

"It's just a few thousand and two clothes. What can I show off? You can't even buy the cloth on my son's daughter. " Ning Mengyao looks at Lanting lightly and says casually.

People on the edge can't help but take a breath of air conditioning. How many thousand Liang can't buy clothes and fabrics for several children?

What kind of cloth is it so expensive?