The owner of the blue family looked at Mrs. blue, and his heart was cold. He said lightly, "I think this lady is right. I haven't been at home for a long time, and I know everything in my family from your mouth. Now I know exactly what my daughter looks like."

Today is the first time that the owner of the blue family looks at her eldest daughter so close. She has a gentle and elegant smell of books, which is totally different from what Mrs. blue said.

As long as it's not brain problems, and people who are biased towards home can guess what's going on.

As soon as Mrs. LAN heard this, she began to regret it. She knew that she would not come today and ask him to come. If he did not come, how would she say it today?

Lan Xin said things over and over again, but she never spoke again. Looking at things as they are now, Lan Xin suddenly felt that she was too stupid before, so she let her mother crush her.

The legitimate mother is the wife in charge of the family, but it's her father who is in charge of the family. At this moment, Lanxin's mind becomes active.

If I can make my life and my mother's life better because of this, it's not too bad.

"This time we are wrong. I hope you will not forgive me." After the owner of the blue family knew the truth, he immediately apologized to the two of them, which made them have some good feelings for the owner of the blue family.

"Although the business of the blue family is important, the peace of the back house is also important. Don't ignore the family for the sake of business." Qiao Tianchang looked at Mrs. blue and said with a light voice.

"In that case, we'll leave first." The owner of the blue family nodded awkwardly, looked at Lanxin, and looked at Mrs. blue and Lanting. Their faces were gloomy and terrible.

"Lan Xin, you'll come back later. You two go back with me. I have something to ask you." The head of the blue family shakes his sleeve and leaves. Mrs. Blue's face looks gloomy and terrible, especially the faces of the two of Ning Mengyao's husband and wife.

She is very clear that after today, she may not be able to do whatever she wants at the blue house.

"Lan Xin, you are so kind that you dare to sue me in front of my father. I'll tell you how to deal with you when you go back." LAN Ting looks at Lan Xin and says.

The owner of the blue family was about to go downstairs, but when he saw that Mrs. blue had not come, he turned back to see. Unexpectedly, he heard such words.

"Lan Xin, it seems that you have forgotten what my wife said to you in ordinary days. You dare to trip my wife at this time. OK, it's really good. Do you really think that my wife can't help you?" Mrs. blue looked at Lan Xin, who was pale because of her words, and said with a sneer.

The master of the blue family stands at the door and listens to the words of Lanting and Mrs. LAN. From the words of the two people, it seems that they have done nothing less.

And he even foolishly believed their lies. What kind of treatment did Lan Xin's mother and daughter receive when he was away? Think of the blue family leader and feel uncomfortable.

Ningmengyao's line of sight was placed at the door, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"Don't you see who is standing behind you?" Ning Mengyao looks at them with a smile, ready to see them change their faces.

After hearing ningmengyao's words, Mrs. Lan's face changed greatly. She felt the anger behind her. She didn't need to see who was behind them.

"Master, you Not... "

"Not what? Li juanjiang, how do you think I dare not take you? How can you be the master mother when you treat my daughter like this and you are so jealous in the blue mansion? If you don't want to be the mistress, say so. " The blue master's face turned black, and Mrs. Blue's face was very ugly.

Mrs. Lan's heart was flustered. She had never heard the owner of the blue family call her name for such a long time, and she still called her full name directly.

"Master, I I... "

Mrs. blue regretted this time. What should she say? How can she say when she goes back? Why are you saying these words here? But he also heard it.

Although the blue family leader is good to her, it all depends on her superficial skills.