On the surface, she is very good to all his children. No matter she is a commoner or a commoner's daughter, there is no lack of what she should have on the surface. But secretly, only she knows how she treats those people.

As soon as the blue family leader saw her like this, he immediately understood. It seems that when he didn't know, she didn't know how many things she had done.

"Xiner, come back with me." The owner of the blue family took a deep breath. He wanted his daughter to have a good relationship with the couple here. Although he can't do business, he can also be a friend. But now he can't.

"Good father." Lan Xin was stunned and then stood up to leave, but she was stopped by two children.

"They want to bully beautiful sisters."

"Don't let my sister go."

Listen to two small words, blue Xin heart warm, reached out to rub sugar sugar head.

"Sister will be fine. Don't worry."

"No, she's like an old witch. She's bad." Tangtang shook her head firmly, pointed to Mrs. blue and pursed her mouth.

The owner of the blue family looked at the two children like that. He was obviously frightened by his wife and the daughter.

"Don't worry, I won't let them bully my sister." Looking at the lovely appearance of the two children, the blue master also liked it very much, and said softly immediately.

Tangtang and Doudou look at the blue master suspiciously, as if to see if what he said is true.

"Well, my sister is coming to play with us."

Ningmengyao looked at the two children like this, but knocked on their little brains.

"We'll live here in recent days. You can come and see us." Ning Mengyao said with a helpless smile.

"Well, I'll go back first." Lan Xin said with a gentle smile.

Looking at Lanxin's gentle kindness without any disguise, the blue family leader immediately thought of her mother, the same gentle and kind woman.

After the blue family left, Qiao Tianchang reached out and pinched her face to show her punishment.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Of course, that blue lady has a lot to do with Xiao Luoyan's mother, and the blue master doesn't know that half of his property has been transferred by her lady, does he?" In fact, they came out this time not only to take their children out for a walk, but also for these things.

After four or five years of preparation, it's time to start, but I didn't expect that when I arrived here, I was still a big fish, and I didn't wait for them to do anything.

Look at Mrs. blue. She's also a good pretender.

"After you say this time, will that woman be given a rest by the blue master?" Ning Mengyao said with interest.


No matter who knows what he's fighting for outside, when he doesn't know, he's transferred and given it to others. Who will be angry?

"Let's stay here a few more days." They're going to stay for the theatre, of course.


Lanxin said something to the owner of the blue family all the way, but Lanting hated her a little bit. When she came out of the restaurant and talked to the owner of the blue family, he ignored him, and her mother sat there and didn't know what she was thinking.

After returning to the blue house, the owner of the blue house did nothing but call his children and concubines to the main house.

Everyone looked at the angry look of the blue family leader. They were worried. What happened? They even made the master angry like this.

"Come here, you guys." The owner of the blue family looked at his children and finally smiled.

Several children looked at each other, looked at their aunts, and saw that they all nodded, which timidly came to the blue master's side.

The blue family leader asked them a lot of questions. At the beginning, there was nothing, but slowly the blue family leader's face changed.

One of his two sons is seven years old now, and the other is six years old. They haven't even begun to enlighten, but their daughter hasn't learned the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Because the wife doesn't ask the teacher to teach her, she teaches some in aunt Lanxin's place.