"I know." In these years, whenever Qiao Tianchang thought of Lin Ziyou's death, his hatred and killing could not be suppressed.

How can he rest assured that he has not given those people the edge of his hand?

"In this case, let's plan to cooperate with the blue family first." Said Ning Mengyao.

"Well, good."

However, the couple did not expect that the opportunity they wanted would soon be delivered to them.

When Li juanxing knew that the owner of the blue family was resting, she carried Ping's wife and his wife, and there was resentment in her heart. So she used her own power to suppress the blue family. Other industries were OK, but the cloth of the blue family had a lot of problems. There was a lot of goods piled up. Although there would be no loss in a period of time, it was not a small amount for a long time.

It can also pose a threat to other industries.

"It's just in time for someone to send pillows when you are sleepy." Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. Suddenly she felt that she should thank someone.

"To meet people?"

"Naturally." After waiting so long, I finally got to this place. Those who don't go there are fools and idiots.

After cleaning up, the couple took several children to the blue house.

When the owner of the blue family heard the porter say that Qiao Tianchang and his wife asked to see each other, they were surprised. At this time, what are they doing here? And it's not xiner, it's xiner.

Confused, he called people in. Qiao Tianchang and his wife came in and looked at the blue master. The smile on their face never changed.

"The blue master must be very curious. What's the purpose of our coming to you at this time?" When Ning Mengyao talks about cooperation, what she dislikes most is to beat about the bush.

The leader of the blue family is also a very cheerful person. Seeing that Ning Mengyao said that, he would not be hypocritical.

"Yes, I'm really curious. After all, at this time, the people who will come to me really don't have any." The blue Master said with a smile, but the smile was bitter.

It's true that the cunning rabbit died and the running dog cooked. Those who once said that they share weal and woe are all lies. It's not bad if they don't come to the bottom of the well. They are expected to help? Forget it. It's better to dream.

"I'm here today for cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Blue head unexpectedly looks at Ning Mengyao, with obvious curiosity on his face.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded, "you are right, just want to cooperate with you."

"Aren't you afraid of the Li and Xiao family's hand training?" The owner of the blue family knows very well that those people are only trying to give themselves a warning.

In recent years, the Xiao family has gained a lot of benefits from him. In fact, there is another purpose for them to do so, that is, they want him to continue to be the tool of making money of the Xiao family, and still give and ask.

How can the blue family master promise such a thing? Thirty million gold is enough. He doesn't want to give his work to others unconditionally.

"Afraid? Ha ha, the blue master is joking. " Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, which was very good to be seen by the blue master.

"Do you have a feud with the Xiao family?" The blue master guessed this from the hatred in Ning Mengyao's eyes.

Ningmengyao didn't speak, but the clear attitude was the default of the blue master.

"We have an endless feud with the Xiao family. If you have a feud with the blue family leader, you can cooperate with us. This is a win-win situation." Qiao Tianchang looked at the blue master and said directly. The blue family leader squints at Qiao Tianchang. From this man's expression, he can see that Qiao Tianchang is serious.

He didn't rush to answer Joe Tianchang's questions. He just looked down at the possibility of it.

In this situation, if we continue like this, either the blue family declares bankruptcy, or the Xiao family and the Li family have annexed them together. It's better to find a powerful partner than this, which will only be good for him, not bad.