"May I ask who you are?"

"Of course, but are you sure this is the place to talk?" Looking at the servants around, Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Someone will take some young masters and young ladies to the eldest lady and the eldest young master." The owner of the blue family immediately ordered the people around him to bring their children to his children.

"Tangtangdoudou, follow them to find your sister Lanxin. My parents will come to you when they have finished talking." Ning Mengyao squatted down and looked at his two little children and said seriously.

"We know, mother."

"Feng'er, little monkey, take good care of your brother and sister."

"Don't worry, mom. We'll take good care of my brother and sister."

After a few children left, Ning Mengyao and his wife followed the blue master to his study.

"There won't be anyone here. Who are you or who are you?"

"I don't know if the blue family leader knows Xiaoyao villa." Ning Mengyao asked lightly.

The blue family leader heard four words of Xiaoyao villa and suddenly stood up from the chair with disbelief in his eyes.

"You are the legendary leader and wife of Xiaoyao villa?" The blue family leader thought of the rumor that the villa leader of Xiaoyao mountain villa had four children, and the couple had four children, but no one would forget this aspect, because no one had ever seen what the villa leader and the villa leader's wife looked like, let alone their children.

"Why don't the blue master think it's not like that?" Ning Mengyao looks at the owner of the blue family and asks with a smile.

"It's not like that." It's said that people in Xiaoyao mountain villa must be serious, especially the couple of the villa leader and some others are in a mess. In a word, they have everything to say.

But look at the two in front of you. Think of the blue family leader. They think it's incredible.

"Is it? Now can we talk about cooperation? " Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows and looked at the blue master with a smile.

The owner of the blue family was stunned, then nodded: "this is natural."

When it comes to business, Ning Mengyao is soon in a state of being.

"As far as we know now, all cloth shops in the blue family have been suppressed. If we continue like this, it will involve the body. Am I right?"

"That's right." The owner of the blue family nodded and didn't get angry because the two people investigated him. If they came and didn't know anything, they would like to talk about cooperation. He might not cooperate with them.

"Although I don't speak all over the west coast of Bukit, there are at least half of the clothing stores in Xiaoyao villa, and we use high-end fabrics, and we seldom use low-end fabrics."

"You mean nishang pavilion?" The owner of the blue family suddenly thought of a ready to wear shop, which appeared four years ago. After a city, it was like a whirlwind that swept across half of the west coast of the continent. Moreover, the clothes inside became the real thing that the ladies of all families robbed. Most importantly, the price was not cheap.

A new ready-made garment of nishang Pavilion can't be taken down without tens of thousands of Liang. Even if there are clothes of the past, the price is several thousand Liang, and the demand is very large.

If they can really cooperate with nishang Pavilion of Xiaoyao villa, he doesn't have to worry.

"How do you want to cooperate?" The owner of the blue family said directly.

"Nishang Pavilion buys cloth from you, and the price is reduced by one twentieth on the basis of the price you sell." This is not much, but the price of all the cloth is not a small sum.

The blue family leader thought about it and nodded.

"Well, there's no problem with that."

Ningmengyao's lips raised a good-looking smile, and the ink on the desk began to write the agreement.

It is also clear above that if both parties force to terminate the agreement in the time period above, they will compensate the other party for the corresponding amount.

The owner of the blue family looked over carefully. After confirming that it was ok, he nodded and signed his name, and then stamped his red fingerprint on it.

"Then we will have a good cooperation with the blue master."

"Happy cooperation." The matter of the cloth shop has been solved. The blue family leader is very happy and has a bright smile on his face. It's like seeing a baby.