The three said some details in their study before they came out.

"We hope that you will know about the blue family leader and that we are from Xiaoyao villa. We also hope that you will keep it secret." Ning Mengyao looked at the blue master and said.

"Well, of course there is no problem with that." Blue master immediately understood the meaning of the two people, hurriedly nodded and said.

Ning Mengyao didn't explain, just nodded with a smile.

When the three arrived at Lanxin's yard, some of their children were very happy to play with them.

It has to be said that among the children of the blue family, except for Lanting, the education is very good. At least they know how to be polite and humble, rather than overbearing.

I don't know if it's because they were suppressed so much, so several aunts and these children are content with the status quo and don't want to change.

"Mom, you are here. Have you talked about it? There are many brothers and sisters in this uncle's family. " Tangtang falls into Ning Mengyao's arms and her eyes are bright.

Ning Mengyao reached out and pinched her daughter's little face. Looking at the pink and tender mark on her face, she couldn't help laughing.

Qiao Tianchang looks at his daughter-in-law bullying her daughter, and then looks at her little red face, frowns tightly, and holds people into his arms.

"Yaoyao, our daughter is not a dough that you can knead." Qiao Tianchang is really not alert to Ning Mengyao now. She always likes to pinch their candy and Doudou faces, just like Shanger used to call him little monkey no matter what.

Look at my son's young age, you can see how he looks, and sigh.

This son is several years old. He is still called little monkey by his mother. How ugly it is.

Ning Mengyao looks at the child in her hand, blinks, blinks again, and makes sure that she is not wrong. After that, Ning Mengyao silently turns her head to look at Qiao Tianchang, but can't help laughing when she sees the face of the cherry balls in sugar.

No wonder Joe Tianchang, who is a child slave, will take people away directly.

The way they showed their love to each other made Lanxin feel embarrassed and the owner of the blue family speechless.

Knowing that their feelings are very good, they may not be able to do such things in front of their children. Don't they think they will teach bad children?

"Uncle, your fruit is delicious." Doudou took a fruit in his hand and ate it with a big mouthful. He said vaguely while eating.

"I like to wait for you to leave, and my uncle will bring you some back." For Doudou and their brother and sister, the blue family leader likes them very much.

He can still meet their small requirements, although there are not many fruits in the mansion.

Doudou's eyes subconsciously put on ningmengyao's body. Seeing that she was not angry, she just looked at him with a smile. She was relieved and could eat the fruit at ease.

Looking at her little son's way of eating, Ning Mengyao suddenly said that she was very upset.

"Did I and your father miss you?" Ningmengyao put out her hand to cover her head to show that she had a headache.

Doudou wants to shake his head. How can he lack his own food with so much money from his parents? It would be nice if he didn't find all he wanted. Besides, there are so many aunts and uncles at home.

"But my uncle's fruit is delicious." Doudou looks at Qiao Tianchang and them innocently, and says awkwardly.

He reached out and rubbed his son's small head, with a helpless smile on his face. This kid is really.

Looking at Doudou like that, the blue family leader couldn't help but feel happy. Seeing that Ning Mengyao seemed to blame them, he helped to say two words.

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, who has no words, and she cannot help crying and laughing. Her son recovers a person's heart. She doesn't know whether they like the beans that almost jump to the sky?

Wu Shanshan looks at Ning Mengyao and his wife. Although they have nothing on their faces, they always smile gently, but they are wondering what their purpose is.