Li juanxiang has no resentment, no questions, just calmly looking at them, saying such words, Mrs. Li, the expression on her face is even more hanging, even a little embarrassed.

"Ronger, you..."

"That's enough. Don't say anything because she's so young that I forgive her. Is she still a child? I also understand now that even if I am good to a dog, it also knows to wag its tail to me, and I am good to her, I have raised a white eyed wolf at all. " Li Juanshui looked at Li Zhuzhu and said in a cold voice, that way, he didn't want to reconcile with Li Zhuzhu at all.

It's strange that Li Zhuzhu could be happy when he was scolded like this.

"You think I don't want you to be nice to me."

"Niang, you asked her to get out of the house for me. Don't come to my yard later. You know how the house came. If you want to get out, you can't get out." Li juanxing said that no matter what expression Mrs. Li had, she went to the inner room with the help of her servant girl.

It's a disgraceful thing for an elder in the hospital to ask for her daughter. Now she's disgraced in front of so many servant girls. Mrs. Li's face is not good-looking either.

But she can also refute Li Juanxi, because this house is really because they got it, so they can live in such a place.

Twenty years ago, the Li family was just a small family, which has not reached the present stage. If not for this reason, Li Juanrong would not have married to the blue family.

At the beginning, because their daughter helped Mrs. Xiao with her work, and gave a lot of money from the blue family to the Xiao family, and then gave some money to the family, they got more comfortable and bought the house. The middle-aged and older people all knew about these things, but they didn't mention them again.

I just don't want to let people say that their Li family actually relies on their daughter to have today's life. But today, her daughter brought it up like this. Apart from her guilt, Mrs. Li has no face.

"What is her attitude?"

"Enough, pearl, do you still dislike that you are not making a big deal? It's because of your sister that our family can have today. Do you think you can live such a rich life without your sister? " Although she was disgraced by her eldest daughter, Mrs. Li was not really angry. She knew that she was only annoyed by pearl.

Mrs. Li is very helpless for her little daughter's ignorance.

Li Zhuzhu didn't believe what Mrs. Li said.

"Well, go back to your own yard. Don't come to your sister's yard."

"She thinks I'm rare. I wouldn't have come if you hadn't told me to go to Xiao's house and fill a house for a commoner." If you don't say it's OK, Li Zhuzhu will be very angry.

Mrs. Li frowned. No wonder Li Zhuzhu wanted to ask for Li Juanxi's trouble.

"Do you think your sister will make you suffer? Although he was a commoner, he had power at home and was a very favored child. "

"I don't believe it. It's the marriage she found for Lanting. It's just because Lanting isn't there that she gives it to herself. How can such a marriage be better?" Li Zhuzhu is not a fool. How can I believe Mrs. Li's words.

Li Juan dissolves in the room to hear two people's words, can't help sneering, yes, how can she find a good marriage for LAN Ting? That bastard has some bad habits.

"Miss, I have news."


"Two days before Miss Lanting left, she went to the blue family and brought back a servant girl who knew martial arts from the blue family. Then she left the Li family with her original four servant girls." Said the kneeling man.

Blue house? Li Juan's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart sneered. It seemed that Wu Shanshan and LAN Ting had said something to her. But if they thought that Lan Ting would be obedient, it would be a mistake. Moreover, they gave her a chance to be honest and to be able to do something to LAN's family.

"I see. Go down."

"Will the young lady continue to trace her whereabouts?"

"No, I'll ask the blue family to send me back." Li Juan dissolves to squint sneer to rise, hide a person she has no way? It's just stupid.