Since he dare to hide Lanting, don't blame her for coming to find something.

After a few days' rest at home, Li juanxing came to the door of the blue family with her mother. At the door, she happened to meet the blue family and was still a big family.

It seems that those who are in big bags and small bags are going out.

When they saw Li juanjiang at the door, they all frowned, especially the blue master.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Li Juanshui, the owner of the blue family said impatiently.

"Where did Lan Xiang give birth to my daughter? You return my daughter. " Li Juan Rong naturally didn't want to see this man. When he saw each other, he would not be too polite, so he asked directly.

The owner of the blue family, that is, LAN Pengsheng, looks at Li Juanxi with his eyebrows: "I went to the Li family with you, didn't I? You come here and ask me what I'm doing? "

"Don't play haha here for me, Lanting is gone. She came to Lanjia before she left. Did you tell her anything?" This is what Lijuan thinks in her heart. They must have said something to Lanting, otherwise Lanting would not have left like this.

"What did we tell her when we came to our house? She just came to look for Lanxin. She was bullied at Li's house and bullied outside. You don't give her a head, you don't allow others to give her a head? " LAN Liangsheng sneers at Li juanxiang. If he is not busy going to LAN Ting's wedding, he really wants to have a good break with Li juanxiang. What Lan Xin said to him, he is also very interested. He wants to hurry up and confirm it.

Li juanxiang didn't expect that LAN Pengsheng would say such a thing. She frowned at each other and was very unhappy.

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, don't be in front of our family. We still have something to do. We don't have time to chat with you here. " LAN Pengsheng is very impatient with Li Juanshui.

Li Juanshui saw that there were many people gathered on the edge, their eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and these people's words were not very good. Li Juanshui also knew that he could not get any benefits if he continued to stay, so he left with others.

Wu Shanshan has not dealt with Li juanxing twice. Seeing her so simple, she left. She still doesn't believe her. Her eyes are full of doubts.

"That's how she left? It's not really her style. " Wu Shanshan muttered.

"She probably wants someone to follow us, use us to find Da ting'er, let's go." They should rush to the Xiaoyao villa as soon as possible to deal with Lanting's marriage. Otherwise, he is really worried about Li juanxing's vicious plan. Moreover, Wuyou doesn't seem to be such a bully.

Wu Shanshan nodded as soon as she heard it.

Li Juansheng and LAN Pengsheng said that they had already sent people to follow them before they left the city.

Lan Xin sits beside Wu Shanshan and looks at LAN Liangsheng and asks curiously, "what kind of person is Dad tinger marrying?"? How is that man? "

"It's very good. I'm more than ten years older than ting'er. Although I'm older, it's really good for ting'er." Said LAN Pengsheng with a smile.

Now there is still Lanxin in the family who is suitable for marriage. I don't know what kind of person Lanxin will marry in the future, and I don't know whether her husband's family will treat her well.

"That's good." Lan Xin said happily.

"Yes, but my father also wants to find a good home for you and your younger brothers and sisters." If his children can get a good marriage, he can be completely relieved.

Lanxin's face was a little red, and she was very sorry.

"Oh, our xiner is embarrassed." The lady sitting on the edge couldn't help joking.

"Two niangs I ignore you, can laugh at me." Lan Xin leans on Wu Shanshan's arms and says shyly.

Wu Shanshan reaches out and touches her daughter's head. Now Lanting has found her own home. She also hopes her daughter can find someone who likes her and the other likes her. Then they can live together well.

"Master Li's family has been following."