Lan Xin looks at this place with yearning on her face. This place is so beautiful that she will be happy if she can live in such a place?

"Lan ting and they will give you. You can arrange their accommodation, and accompany them more. We can have dinner together in the evening."

"Well, thank you, sister Mengyao." Lanting smiles and nods.

After seeing Ning Mengyao off, Lanting brings the family to her and Wuyou's yard, which is large and beautiful.

"Mom and Dad, this is where I live with brother Wuyou. You also live here. If you need anything, please tell the people outside. The people here are very good." LAN Ting said as she introduced.

"Well, this is a nice place."


The whole family chatted for a long time. At night, they didn't see Wuyou. They were immediately curious: "what about Wuyou?"

"He went to help sister Mengyao deal with some things. He won't come back until tomorrow morning." LAN Ting explains with a smile, and takes everyone to the front to have dinner with Ning Mengyao.

The children here know sugar and sugar, but there are two smaller ones they don't know. Jomo Shang introduced them to each other again, and the children simply played together.

The next day, Wu you came back early, and saw that LAN Pengsheng and their faces were apologetic.

"I'm sorry father-in-law didn't pick you up yesterday."

"It's not in the way. Someone will bring us here. It's your business." He heard from his daughter yesterday. His son-in-law is in charge of many things in Xiaoyao villa. Some time ago, he was busy preparing for the wedding, and things fell down.

The family recognized each other, and worry free prepared gifts for several children, which led them to go out for a stroll.

There is nothing in this place. It's very beautiful. Ordinary people can't come here if they want to.

"Are you going to play with us?" On the way to the garden, I met some Joe mofeng who was going to the horse farm.

Lan Xi, they turn their heads to look at LAN Zhuosheng, some of whom are blind, especially the two boys.

"Come on, don't be naughty."

"I know dad."

After several children ran away, LAN Pengsheng looked at the beautiful fairyland.

"This place is really a place of leisure."

When he heard the words of LAN Pengsheng, Wu you laughed.

After Ning Mengyao decided to come here, they asked people to send their drawings to build such a villa. No matter how tired they were outside, they could have a good rest as long as they went back to the villa.

In recent years, it is true that the Xiaoyao villa is their harbor.

There are more than 200 sets of courtyards in all sizes. Everyone lives here on weekdays. It's very hot and noisy.

"This is the home of everyone in Xiaoyao villa."

They spent many days in the Xiaoyao villa, but they didn't arrive at the wedding time. After asking, they knew that ningmengyao had invited all the people they knew, because some people were still a few days away, and they could hold the wedding ceremony when they arrived.

"How do you make yourself like this?" When carefree accompanies his father-in-law, Qiao Tianchang and his wife look at the man in front of them with murderous eyes in their study.

"Tianchang, I'm fine. I'm fine, really." The voice was familiar, but it was full of bitterness.

"Maureen, we haven't agreed with you to stay at Maureen's house. We think those people are all insane. Look at you like this, and think about the weight of being unconscious in bed. If he didn't protect you, your life would have been gone." Ningmengyao is also angry. Molin is a beautiful man. Now his face is half destroyed and seems to be burned. They are not angry when they receive the news of this man's asking for help.

Maureen looked at the warmth in their hearts. The feeling of being betrayed and hurt by their families was not so obvious. Instead, they were warm.

"Don't be angry, Tianchang Mengyao. I hurt grandpa Hei because I'm fine. I'll soon get better. Now I'm separated from Mo's family. What I want to do in the future is to have revenge and revenge." He was never a good man.