Since those people have done such things to him, don't blame him for being rude.

Ning Mengyao is not so angry with Mo Lin, but he is also right. After breaking off the relationship with those people, he can do whatever he wants.

"But I'm curious about the charm of that song Yan, which makes your father treat you like this.

Song Yan and they have not seen each other, but they think that person is not such a smart person.

"I don't know. In the past two years, Mo's family has had a lot of problems. It's just that I didn't ask about it."

"It's your boy's life this time, but the serious injury is too serious."

When it comes to heavy Molin, his eyes are full of worries. Grandpa Black said that if they didn't arrive here in time, the heavy life would be gone.

"As long as I can live again, even if I can't be as good as before." Since childhood, he had to be with him. He was used to being with him.

"Don't worry. Grandpa black is here. Grandpa black also said that he will be alive soon after he is heavy." Qiao Tianchang reached out and patted Maureen on the shoulder.

"Of course I believe in Grandpa Black's medicine." Reaching for his face, with a bitter smile in his heart, I don't know if he can get better.

"Your face will be better too. At the beginning, none of the meat that maple hurt his face was good. Isn't it good now? Where are you going now? " Ning Mengyao took a look at Maureen. Grandpa Hei could even cure feng'er's injury at that time, let alone Maureen.

"I believe."

This evening, we had dinner together, but the children of the blue family were shocked when they saw Maureen. One of them said, "how ugly."

Lanxin frowned at his brother's words.

"Palm son apologizes, his face is injured, cannot judge a person by his appearance like this." Lan Xin frowned and said solemnly.

It's very impolite to say that in front of others, which they can't allow.

"Your elder sister is right. This elder brother's face will be like this because he is injured, so you can't be so rude." LAN Pengsheng also frowned and said, it seems that his son really needs a good education. It's not a good thing to judge people by their appearance. They will suffer a lot in the future.

Blue and Brown were not satisfied, pouted and went to Maureen's side, apologizing in a low voice.

Ningmengyao and their parents were not happy at first, but they were very satisfied with the blue family's way of dealing with it. They can't take responsibility for what they said because it's a child.

"There are tens of thousands of people in this world, including those who are beautiful and ugly, but some of them are very kind-hearted and treat people well, while those who are beautiful and have a vicious mind. My father and sister tell you today that they don't want you to judge people by their looks when you make friends. What you make friends with is not their looks but their hearts." Lan Xin is not happy with her brother, and she is reluctant to give up. She stretches out her hand and pulls people to her side to follow the instructions.

Blue and brown thought about it, as if they were different from elder sister, so they were embarrassed. He was not good just now.

"I'm sorry, brother. It was me just now. Don't be angry." This apology is more sincere than before.

"It doesn't matter. Your sister is right. You can make friends if you want to. If it's just because of your looks or interests, such a person only needs to give three points of sincerity." Maureen doesn't really care about a child, and he apologizes to himself.

However, Molin's eyes fell on Lanxin. Her frown had been extended, and she had a light smile on her face. She seemed to be very satisfied with her brother's performance.

"Blue master, your family is very good."

Yufeng and their eyes looked at each other, which was very good indeed. Although the child judged people by their appearance, he was not an unreasonable master. As long as he made it clear, he could distinguish right from wrong. Such a child could easily be liked by everyone.

"Shanshan taught me that my father is incompetent."