"Mengyao, don't you do it?" Maureen was a little shocked. Why didn't she do it herself?

"Xiaoyao's hand has always been full of corpses, so don't think about it." Yu Feng gives Mo Lin a white look.

This little thing needs to be done by Ning Mengyao. Are they still confused?

"We've always been like this. I want to notice that brother-in-law and they do it." Ning Mengyao stands and says innocently.

"I think they are used to it." Maureen shook his head. These people had a fight with Qiao Tianchang.

"Do you have an opinion?" Yufeng, the four of Muchen's husband and wife look at Maulin at the same time. It's like if he said he had, he would start directly.

Maureen is not so illiterate either. He quickly waved his hand and joked that he was not the opponent of these four people.

In the main house of the Xiao family, a masked woman in a suit sat on a chair and looked at Nangong Yan below, her eyes slightly cold.

"What did you just say?"

"Nishang Pavilion is the property of Xiaoyao villa." Nangong Yan looked down and said calmly.

"Now that you've found it, do it directly." Said Mrs. Xiao with cold eyes.

Those people dare to hurt their son like that. They are just looking for death. Since they sent him to the door, she naturally has no need to keep her hand.

"I'm afraid not."

"Why?" Mrs. Xiao frowned and looked at Nangong Yan with cold eyes.

"Nishang Pavilion involves too many forces. If you understand nishang Pavilion, you will make the Xiao family stand on the opposite side of many families." Nangong Yan said bluntly.

Since he came back, he has been asking ningmengyao to investigate the affairs of Xiaoyao villa since he knew that they had come here. However, only nishang pavilion has something to do with them, and nothing else has been investigated yet.

If it's not enough, he doesn't think ningmengyao, who can develop tongbaozhai to that extent, will only have a nishang Pavilion here. However, he has investigated other relatively large forces on the west coast, and there is no abnormal place at all.

Mrs. Xiao has some doubts. It's just the shop of Xiaoyao villa. How can it involve other families?

Nangong Yan tells Mrs. Xiao about the management of nishang Pavilion. After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao immediately understands the meaning of Nangong Yan.

If this is the case, she really can't make a rash move. If this one doesn't work well, it will really bring many enemies to the Xiao family.

"Well, go down and continue to investigate the Xiaoyao villa." Said Mrs. Xiao, frowning.

"It's Madame."

After nangongyan left, Mrs. Xiao thought about Xiaoyao villa.

They are very tight. It took them so many days to find no one. Besides, if Nangong Yan didn't come back, they didn't know that Ning Mengyao and her family had come here four years ago.

"Come and call the young master." Mrs. Xiao thought about it and decided to tell it to Xiao Luoyan.

Soon, Xiao Luoyan came in impatiently.

"What do you want me to do? It's OK. I'm back. " Xiao Luoyan sat on the chair at will and said discontentedly.

"What do you look like now?" Looking at her son's appearance, Mrs. Xiao said that she hates iron but not steel.

"What am I like? Isn't it good for me to do this? My father, and those old men, don't you think Xiao Teng is better now? What am I doing so hard now? In their eyes, I just don't have Xiao Teng's brilliance. Since it's all like this, I won't do that kind of thankless thing. " Said Xiao Luoyan angrily.

Since he was injured there, his father has been a little dissatisfied with him. Later, he only accidentally messed up the matter several times, which brought some troubles to the Xiao family. Finally, Xiao Teng tried to solve it. Since then, his father was not happy with him. Even then, he even compared him with Xiao Teng. Xiao Teng is a real man What can be compared with him?

Don't say Xiao Teng is OK. When it comes to Xiao Teng, even if she wears a veil, she can feel her anger.