Xiao Teng, that wild seed, didn't expect to do such a thing. She despised people. She should have killed this man at the beginning.

"Don't worry, my mother won't let anyone take what belongs to you." Mrs. Xiao looked at Xiao Luoyan and said word by word.

Seeing Mrs. Xiao's appearance, Xiao Luoyan's expression is more beautiful. I'm afraid that only his mother is the best to him in this family.

"Mom, what do you want me to do?" Xiao Luoyan pressed down her mind and smiled at her mother and asked.

"Your mother almost forgot when you interrupted. Ning Mengyao and his wife have been here for four years. Not only that, but also nishang Pavilion is theirs." Mrs. Xiao looked at Xiao Luoyan and said.

Xiao Luoyan's expression, which had been relieved, became very gloomy and ugly. What do you mean? They have come here, and the nishang Pavilion is theirs?

"Niannishang Pavilion and those people are not allowed to stay." Xiao Luoyan said in a grim voice.

It's all because of those people that he has come to this point. How can he not hate, how can he not be angry?

"Of course the mother knows, but she can't touch them for the moment."

"Why is that?" Now he would like to destroy nishang Pavilion and those people.

If it wasn't for them, he would still be the leader of the Xiao family, rather than being in such an awkward position as he is now.

Mrs. Xiao tells Xiao Luoyan the reason. After hearing this, she hates it. That sly woman must have been intentional.

"Don't you think so?" Xiao Luoyan asked unwillingly.

"Of course not. They dare to hurt you like that. How can my mother let them go? Don't worry. It's only a matter of time to clean them up. Now what my mother has to do is to find the Xiaoyao villa. But in this period of time, you don't have to play around anymore. Do you understand?" Because during this period of time, Xiao Luoyan's self abandonment has caused a lot of dissatisfaction in the family, so that they put more attention on Xiao Teng.

And Xiao Teng didn't know whether he was fighting with them or what was going on. She even performed very well, which made her very dissatisfied.

But now she can't do anything to Xiao Teng. If she does deal with Xiao Teng, I'm afraid those people in the family won't want to.

"Niang, I want Xiao Teng to die."

"Don't worry, my mother knows how to do it." Said Mrs. Xiao, her eyes narrowing coldly.

Xiao Luoyan finally smiled contentedly.

"I knew my mother was the best for me." Xiao Luoyan said happily.

"Well, you are so grown-up. You are still here to play coquetry with your mother."

"I won't bother you that mother. I'll go back first."

Looking at Xiao Luoyan leaving, Mrs. Xiao's face is helpless. When can her son grow up.

Even if she and her family no matter how fierce, they can not always help him. If he is not competitive, it is no use for her to work hard here alone.

This child just didn't understand. At this time, he should work harder, not abandon himself, so that the people have the chance to be dissatisfied with him.

Some of the elders even wanted to give Xiao teng the seat of their son Shaozhu. If it wasn't for the family behind her, I'm afraid the position of Shaozhu would really change.

"Where is the owner?"

The people on the side of the face a stiff, eyes slightly dodge.


"The owner is It's with aunt Ming. "

As soon as Mrs. Xiao's face changed, her ugly face became more gloomy.

"Madam, are you ok?"

"It's OK. No one is allowed in."

The servant girl on the side, with an embarrassed smile on her face, if the master comes

"Madam, it's not proper for you to do this. Men do this. The head of the family has a wife in mind. If the wife does that, it will cause the head of the family to be dissatisfied." Mrs. Xiao's nanny whispered in her ear.

"I'm not alone in her woman." Although she understood the meaning of nanny, Mrs. Xiao said forcefully.

Knowing these things, he still ran to his aunt. Is this beating her in the face?