Nanny helplessly looks at her wife. She is good at everything, but she is so strong.

"Madam nanny knows what your character is, but even for the sake of the little Lord, you have to bear it. If you are discontented by the head of the family here, what should the little Lord do?" Nanny looked at Mrs. Xiao helplessly and said.

Mrs. Xiao pressed her lips tightly and said nothing. She knew that what the nanny said was right. If she was the only one, she could do anything, but she had a son.

"I know, Mammy." Mrs. Xiao, accompanied by the nurse, went to the inner room, sat in front of the dressing table and took the veil off her face.

The nurse looked at her beautiful face with a smile on her face.

"Madame is beautiful, but why does Madame always wear a veil?" The nanny really didn't understand this at all. No matter who looked at their lady's appearance, she would be moved. But she was covered with a veil all the time. Even the head of the family could see her removing the veil very well.

Mrs. Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. She asked people to take her white clothes and put them on. Then she asked everyone to go out of the yard. Accompanied by the nanny, she went to the garden in the yard.

When the head of the Xiao family came over from Aunt Ming, he saw Mrs. Xiao standing in the flowers with a white dress and a veil on her face. Today, I don't know why she picked it, but she took a pair of scissors in her hand and cut off the flowers that were very good and put them into the basket held by the nanny.

Seeing her like this, Xiao's eyes flashed with obvious amazement. No matter how many times he saw her, every time he saw her face, he would have a sense of shock.

Maybe the flowers in the basket are full. Mrs. Xiao comes out from the flowers with her basket. As soon as she turns around, she sees that the master of Xiao's family stands not far away and looks at her with eyes full of obsession. There is no extra expression on her face, but she just smiles gently.

"Why is the owner standing at the door unwilling to come in?" Mrs. Xiao came out, put the flower basket on the stone table, and looked at the master of the Xiao's house and said with some teasing.

The head of the Xiao's family, who had been in a daze, turned to look at Mrs. Xiao, who was sitting on the edge of the stone table cutting flowers and branches, and went to sit down opposite her.

"How could Madame be so elegant today?" The head of the Xiao family looked at Mrs. Xiao curiously, to know that she would not do such a thing in ordinary days.

"Nothing more."

"Is it? By the way, what happened to the thing you told me before? " The head of Xiao's family suddenly thought of this. He looked at Mrs. Xiao and asked.

The smile on Mrs. Xiao's face was obvious. She waved to let the nanny go, and then talked about it with the leader of the Xiao family.

"Do you mean that the wounded have reached the west coast?"

"Yes, and I have a certain position here, that is, the villa master and the villa master's wife of Xiaoyao villa." Mrs. Xiao looked at the head of the Xiao family and said.

"Madame, is that true?" The head of the Xiao family asked eagerly.

He has been very curious about Xiaoyao villa for a long time. He has also found someone to investigate, but he hasn't found anything. Unexpectedly, his wife knows.

"Yes, Nangong Yan said it."

"Is he trustworthy?"

"Of course, it's believable, and he's still the biological father of the wife of the villa leader of Xiaoyao mountain villa, but they seem to have broken off all relations." If it wasn't for breaking off the relationship, how could Nangong Yan help them so freely?

Xiao's head squinted at the table with one hand, looking forward with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Blood relationship means that you can break it? It's easy for people like Nangong Yan to rebel. " The Xiao family leader still doesn't believe Nangong Yan.

"Don't worry, master. Nangongyan is just a puppet for us. It's not very useful." Said Mrs. Xiao with a sneer.

The head of the Xiao family was immediately satisfied.

"Then I'll rest assured that I will do whatever my wife wants. I support you." Xiao said with a smile.

"OK, but it's not the time to start."


Mrs. Xiao told the leader about nishang Pavilion again.

"It's a wonder." The head of the Xiao family couldn't help sighing.