Although in the opposite position, but for ningmengyao, the leader of the Xiao family is still appreciative, thinking that if people return to the Xiao family, is it too late for the Xiao family to enter the first-class force?

In other people's eyes, the strength of the Xiao family is still the same as before, but only he knows that the Xiao family is not as good as before, and it has been ranked at the bottom among the first-class forces. If the Xiao family can't find a way to improve, it may be pushed down by those second-class forces.

Now there is such a person, the leader of the Xiao family doesn't want to let it go. Besides, this person has something to do with the Xiao family.

Mrs. Xiao looked at the thoughtful look of the head of the Xiao family, and had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"What are you thinking, my lord?" Asked Mrs. Xiao, as if unintentionally.

"I'm thinking how good it would be if I could take ningmengyao for my own use, so that the Xiao family would be able to go up to a higher level." Maybe it's a lot of trust in Mrs. Xiao. The leader of the Xiao family said his own ideas.

Where the leader of the Xiao family didn't see it, Mrs. Xiao's face was very ugly. What does that mean? He even wanted to get that top of the table thing into the house? How can it be.

"I'm afraid the head of the family has some difficulties. They don't like our Xiao family." Mrs. Xiao's Willow eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which seems to be very helpless.

"It doesn't matter. Ning Mengyao is the offspring of the Xiao family anyway. It's her responsibility to work for the Xiao family." The head of the Xiao family said casually, but he must have made up his mind. It seems that he wants to fight against Ning Mengyao.

When Mrs. Xiao listened to the words of the leader of the Xiao family that she didn't care much, the feeling in her heart was even more obvious. I'm afraid that this person wanted to go and win over Ning Mengyao.

If there is such an outstanding people in the family and Xiao Teng's wild seed, can the Xiao family have the status of their own son?

The whole Xiao family can only belong to her son. Anyone who wants to touch her will die. In Mrs. Xiao's beautiful eyes, there is a trace of malice and murderous spirit.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you? What are you thinking? " The head of the Xiao family is talking to Mrs. Xiao. Who knows that the people nearby haven't responded for a long time. Then they turn around, but they don't expect that she is in a daze.

"Ah, it's OK. I'm thinking about Yan'er." The cruelty and murderous spirit in Mrs. Xiao's eyes have disappeared. She looks at the leader of Xiao's family tenderly, as if everything just happened was an illusion.

The head of the Xiao family took a suspicious look at Mrs. Xiao. He always felt that something was not right. But seeing her gentle appearance, the head of the Xiao family stopped doubting and talked about the family affairs with her.

After seeing off the leader of Xiao's family, Mrs. Xiao's face was ugly. Her expression was even more ferocious, like a devil from hell.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you? How did the owner leave? " When mammy came in and saw Mrs. Xiao like that, she was shocked.

"He wants ningmengyao to recognize his family and come back to fight with my son. He can't even think about it." Said Mrs. Xiao.

Mammy's heart leaped and her voice trembled a little.

"Madam, do you mean that the head of the family wants the wife of the leader of Ran Xiaoyao villa to come back?"

"Yes, he valued the other party's ability. He felt that with the help of the other party, the Xiao family would be able to rise to the top again." As long as he thought of the crazy expression of the Xiao family leader, Mrs. Xiao's heart would be filled with panic. Does he think that these young people of the Xiao family can't compete with a woman?

"How could it be."

"Immediately send people to check the news of Mengyao and other people. If you find someone, you can't let them go back to the Xiao family." No matter whether Ning Mengyao has that idea for the Xiao family or not, Mrs. Xiao can't take the risk. Only the dead will not threaten their interests.

"Don't worry, madam. I'll do it right away." Mammy nodded and walked out quickly.

"Ning Mengyao..."

In the Xiaoyao villa, Ning Mengyao is watching sugar and sugar practice embroidery. Yufeng suddenly comes in.

"They really look up to you, Xiaoyao. They sent three groups of people to look for you." Yu Feng said with a smile.