Ningmengyao didn't pay attention to Yufeng but told Tangtang that she had embroidered the wrong place before she looked at Yufeng.

"I would be worried if they didn't investigate, and the brother-in-law Xiao's family is not as good as before now. What would you do if it was you?" Ningmengyao takes a look at Yufeng.

"It's natural to find a way to get the family back to its peak." The wind of course said.

"You're right. In the eyes of some people in the Xiao family, I'm the nail in the eye, but some people also think I'm a treasure. After all, I'm also the blood of the Xiao family." Ning Mengyao said with great emphasis.

"You don't say they want to use this to get you back, do you?" Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao strangely. How does the girl's head grow? How could she think of it all of a sudden?

Ning Mengyao looks at her face surprised, as if she is talking nonsense to resist the wind.

"Why not? If it was me, I would have done it. " Ning Mengyao said naturally.

If one of the family has outstanding talent but doesn't have any relationship with her, or even some enemies, in order to make the family better, he will definitely do so, sacrifice some people and get more things, which is nothing wrong.

"Compared with you, I am too naive." He shakes his head in silence.

Ningmengyao chuckled quietly, but did not speak. She felt that her sleeve was gently pulled. She turned around and saw that Tangtang had finished the embroidery work she was going to do today, and looked at her eagerly. It seemed that she was asking if she could go out to play.

Reach out to rub the head of daughter, Ning Mengyao let it put things away.

"Well, go out, but don't run around, you know?" Ningmengyao helped the children wipe their hands, and then told them in a low voice.

Sugar quickly nodded, grabbed a fruit in one hand and jumped out.

"The owner of the blue family has come here, and the people have arranged it, but don't you worry about Xiaoyao?" After all, the owner of the blue family has not known them for a long time. Although Lanting is a carefree wife, it is not enough to let them live in the Xiaoyao villa.

How could ningmengyao not know the idea of resisting the wind? She smiled at Yu Feng with a confident smile on her face.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law. The leader of the blue family is different from others. I believe in my own vision. Moreover, the relationship between Mo Lin and Lan Xin will be broken soon. Apart from their sisters, there is a smart person in the blue family. She knows what kind of choice can make them get more benefits." When she promised the blue family to live in the Xiaoyao villa, she actually thought about it. She was also worried about whether something would happen to the blue family. However, she was relieved when she asked people to investigate the blue family over and over again and found that there was nothing wrong with them.

"You mean Wu Shanshan?"

"That's right, wushanshan is not a simple woman. On the contrary, she is very smart. It's inseparable from her efforts that the blue family can have the scale of today." She doesn't think that LAN Pengsheng is really indifferent to Wu Shanshan. I'm afraid that's just a way to deal with Li juanxing.

Yufeng thinks about things before and after, and almost understands them.

"Since you said that, what else can I say? It's just that we should be more or less on guard against him. We should be on guard. " They are in a situation where no one can betray them.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded. Naturally, she knew that Yufeng said such things to herself for her good.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law. I won't let anyone threaten the safety of all of us." With such a person, she will directly dispose of the person.

Yu Feng was stunned, then he laughed. Yeah, is he worried? How can Xiaoyao let them be threatened?

"In this way, I'm relieved."

"I don't think you're weird." Ningmengyao looks at Yufeng suspiciously, with wonder in her eyes. How does she feel that today's Yufeng is a little strange? Is it her illusion?

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and laughs: "I'm ok, but suddenly I feel some emotion."

"What do you say?"