"We and the Xiao family will be opposite in a short time. Blue family, are you sure they can help us?"

Yufeng's worry is undoubted. If the blue family won't help them, what did the Xiao family find out or bribed one of the blue family at that time will be a disaster for them.

Although it's not good to doubt a person like this, he has to be so mean for their safety.

"It's not a big deal for us whether brother-in-law can go out or not. LAN Pengsheng is not a fool. He knows what he represents when he lives in Xiaoyao villa." When the whole family moves into Xiaoyao villa, it means that their blue family and Xiaoyao villa are already grasshoppers tied together. Not only that, they are all likely to become hostages and fall into their hands.

If the blue family really has such a mind, they will not put the children directly here, and all the people have come here.

Yu Feng listened to Ning Mengyao's analysis and couldn't help laughing: "it seems that I think more."

"No, brother-in-law, I know your worry, and I know what you mean, but the blue family dare not do anything about it." I'm confident that there's something in ningmengyao.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao like this, and suddenly feels that his worry is superfluous. Ning Mengyao once said, "no doubt about people, no doubt about people. She has a good eye for people. This time, he believes it is the same.

"Well, what are you going to do with the Xiao family?" Yu Feng frowned at the thought of some actions of the Xiao family. He didn't really like the Xiao family.

"For the time being, I don't need to worry about it. I think things on fengxiao's side will break out step by step." Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

Although Feng Xiao didn't speak, Ning Mengyao could feel that the guy was very busy recently. He stayed in his room most of the time. He didn't come out except for dinner and necessary advice to feng'er every day.

And as the wounds on Maureen's face gradually healed, the haze on his body gradually became full-bodied, so he could see what was going on.

"I'm worried about Maureen. If he doesn't control himself well, he may be swallowed up by his anger and evil spirit." Just standing beside Maureen, you can feel his strong evil spirit.

Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed her eyebrow and heart. How could she feel that all she met were careless guys?

"Don't let people worry about it. You can watch more of her brother-in-law there. The saved mollin has killed herself." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

Yufeng smiled and nodded, "OK."

The two chatted for a long time in the living room. They didn't stop talking until Joe Tianchang came back.

"Mom and dad said we should go out together." Doudou falls down in front of ningmengyao and looks at her. The look of expectation makes ningmengyao's eyelids slightly beat.

"What's your bad idea again?" Can she not understand this kid? It's good to hear. Once you go out, you'll have a stomach of bad water.

"Dad said he would go to the Mo's house with Uncle Molin, and elder brother would leave with fengxiao Godfather." See through the beans without any embarrassment, but looked at ningmengyao said.

Ning Mengyao looks at them unexpectedly.

"What happened?"

"If I don't go back to Feng's house, it's going to be a disaster." Feng Xiao said with a sneering face.

It turns out that in this period of time, Mrs. Feng's drugs have been unable to control those people's toxins, and they can't be suppressed. Those people's poisons have even made them feel like they're not dead.

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao and frowns: "you want to take Fenger back?"

"Well." If it wasn't for Mrs. Feng's first-class way of making poison, he wouldn't let his son take risks.


"Mom, I want to go with my father. I can help him." Qiao Mo Feng interrupted Ning Mengyao and said very seriously.

Seeing Qiao mofeng's persistent appearance, Ning Mengyao can't refuse any more.

"I promised you to go, but you can't go by like this." These two faces are like each other. Aren't they telling others that they are living targets?