Ningmengyao asked Qingzhu to give Qiao mofeng a face changing mask, and he took many antidotes and healing drugs from the black old man.

"You take all these with you, and feng'er is not allowed to take off the mask when he arrives at Feng's house." She can't let Qiao mofeng take risks with fengxiao. She wants Qiao mofeng to show people with his real face, unless fengxiao has dealt with all the Fengs.

"Mother, I know." Qiao Mo Feng didn't have any impatience. Instead, he listened to Ning Mengyao's advice patiently.

Feng Xiao looks at the ***** in his son's hand. To be honest, he is not sure to let his son go with him like this. However, with this, he is not worried.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of feng'er."

"Take care of yourself first." Ningmengyao didn't take a good look at fengxiao, but he didn't believe his story at all.

Feng Xiao's eyelids jump. Is he so uneasy?

"When are you going to leave?" Qiao Tianchang looks at fengxiao and asks.

"Leave at once. It's already over there." Thinking of the current situation of fengxiao's family, fengxiao's face was full of sarcastic smile.

Those two people who are superior and like to control people in their own hands, maybe they didn't expect that they could not control them, right?

"Here you are, young master. Be careful." Already show bosom, stomach has 6 months old green frost to hand a few medicine bottles to Qiao Mo Feng.

"What is this?"


Feng Xiao choked for a while, and knew not to ask.

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao speechless, always thinking that when this person and they just knew each other, they were two different forms.

Now, it's just different from the cold one, OK?

Fengxiao and qiaomofeng left the Xiaoyao villa with what ningmengyao had given them.

After they left, Maureen was ready to leave.

"You're going with me, too?" You Mengyao looks at the door god as heavy as the one behind Maureen. His eyebrows are wrinkled. Is his injury cured? It's going to follow.

"My injury is OK." Although his injury was very serious, he had been kept by the black old man for such a long time. He had already been in good condition. Moreover, he was not sure that his master would go back alone.

"Come on, you leave tomorrow. Tianchang and I will go with you." Ning Mengyao looks at the two masters and servants. He really wants to slap people directly.

Maureen's gloomy face was a little warm.

"Thank you, Mengyao."

Ningmengyao didn't look at Maureen angrily. If it wasn't for him, would she be like an old lady?

"We'll go, mom and dad." Tangtang and Doudou tug at Ning Mengyao's clothes and stare at him. It seems that Ning Mengyao's failure to take them is a heinous event.

"You can't go to Tangtang this time, even the second brother. It's not that my mother doesn't want you to go, but this time it's too dangerous. After this, my father and mother will take you three around, OK? We will go as long as you say. " Compared with the outside world, Xiaoyao villa is much safer. There will be some accidents this time. She can't guarantee that she can't let her children go with her.


"Sugar and sugar are obedient to you. My father and mother don't let us go because they are good for us. If it's not very dangerous, they will take us there. We will follow my father and mother all the time when we have big brother, OK?" Without waiting for Joe Tianchang to speak, Qiao moshang has come to the front of two younger brothers and sisters, comforting them softly.

In fact, he was also a bit lost when he couldn't go. However, he also understood that this time it was dangerous. His parents didn't dare to take risks, so they didn't want to take them.

Although Tangtang and Doudou are not happy, they just hear their second brother saying that, and they can only nod their heads. Who makes them small, and they have no strength?