Seeing their son comforting the two little ones, both husband and wife are greatly relieved. If they quarrel with each other to follow, they really can't take the two children. Maybe they will compromise directly in the end.

"Xiaoyao and Qingxuan will go with you." Yufeng thinks about it and wants to open his mouth. He doesn't feel relieved to let them out, especially Molin.


After the arrangement, Ning Mengyao turns to look at them in the morning.

"Sister Mei, I'll leave it to you in the morning."

"Don't worry."

Before leaving, Ning Mengyao told them about the business with Wu you and told LAN Pengsheng that they could go directly to situ Xuan and they were going to go out.

In fact, there are some reasons for Ning Mengyao's doing so. She also has a two-point suspicion about LAN Pengsheng. The purpose of doing so is to test if LAN Pengsheng is really a family with them.

The next day, Ning Mengyao and his party left on horseback.

Sugar and beans are a little reluctant, from the birth has not left two people.

"When can the second brother's parents come back?" Sugar sugar looked up at the side of Joe Mo sad grievance asked.

Father and mother just left, and she began to think about her father and mother.

"I'll come back when my parents have dealt with the matter. During the time when my parents are away, can sugar and Doudou follow my second brother to practice martial arts?" For his baby brother and sister, Jomo Shang is always very gentle and worried about any grievance they may suffer.

"Well, we need to practice martial arts well. When our martial arts get better, my parents will be able to take us everywhere, just like fengxiao's godfather and my eldest brother."


Looking at the twins like this, Jomo Shang couldn't help laughing.

"That's right. Let's go back."

Although this is the case, but two small emotions will be depressed for a long time, just be coaxed by Jomo war.

Look at the two children's faces with a little smile, look up outside, parents want to come back earlier.

On the road, a group of people rode fast towards the front, one of them wore a cape on his head, covering most of his face, and this was Ning Mengyao.

"There's a small town in front of us. It's getting late now. Let's go to have a rest and make our way tomorrow morning." Said Maureen, looking at the small town ahead.


Half an hour later, the party went to the town, found a relatively good restaurant to live in, repaired for a night, and the next morning they rode away.

For two or three consecutive days, except in the evening, almost everyone spent on horseback.

"The Song family is in the city in front of us. The Song family is the largest family there." Maureen explained.

"Then we can't go in like this, especially Maureen and Chongyou two." Some of the people of the Song family have met them, and they will really use their identity to do nothing.

"Let's all be easy." Said Yu Feng.

"In this way, we can get rid of some unnecessary troubles." Ning Mengyao nodded with approval, obviously satisfied with the proposal.

After finding a place to change face, a group of people swaggered into the city.

This place deserves to be a big city. Compared with the towns they have visited in recent days, it is much more lively. However, the large town also shows a bad place. The gap between the rich and the poor is too big, just like when they were in Xiaoguo.

"What are you looking at?" Maureen looked at Ning Mengyao curiously and asked unexpectedly.

"I'm thinking that this place is the same as that of Xiaoguo. The gap between the rich and the poor is a little big. The rich are rich and have no money..." Ningmengyao has been unable to describe it, and compared with Xiaoguo, this place is more cruel to the poor.

Mo Lin looks at Ning Mengyao with black lines in his head. Why does he think she's talking about herself?

"Are you talking about yourself?" Mo Lin did not look at Ning Mengyao and asked.