Ning Mengyao's eyelids jumped and gave Mo Lin a fierce stare.

"Although I have money, I'm not mean to be rich." Whether in Xiaoguo or here, most of the time she doesn't mind that little money coming out to help some people who really need help.

Maureen's eyelids are jumping. Is this person saying that they are rich?

"Well, don't talk about it on the street, you two. The way to survive is the same everywhere." Yu Feng looked at the look of the two men's corns, and some speechless said, how old are these two people? They look like children.

Ning Mengyao's mouth was curled, not talking.

Mo Lin is quite familiar with this place. He took Ning Mengyao and them to the best tavern. However, he met the people of the Song family just after he went in. He is also the son of the Song family, Song Yu, song Yan's brother.

When Maureen saw Song Yu, his eyes were slightly cold, but he soon recovered as if what he had just seen was just an illusion.

Ningmengyao looks at mollin curiously, and her intuition tells her that mollin knows this person and has a certain relationship.

Qingxuan several go to ask for the room. Mo Lin and Ning Mengyao are talking. Mo Lin didn't plan to ask Song Yu for trouble at this time, but some of them just didn't clean up. They didn't ask for trouble. Instead, he sent them to him.

Song Yu followed a few friends from upstairs and saw a few men and a beautiful woman standing there. There were people looking for the shopkeeper's room.

Seeing that beautiful woman, Song Yu came to Ning Mengyao with a frivolous smile on her face, and the folding fan in her hand held Ning Mengyao's chin.

"Oh, the beautiful girl from nowhere, never seen before."

Maureen didn't dare to look at Qiao Tianchang's eyes with his eyes covered. Is Song Yu having a brain problem or something?

Don't you see ningmengyao in a woman's bun? Even openly came up to challenge.

Ningmengyao's eyes were cold. Between Qiao Tianchang's hands, she held the chin in front of her hand, and even the hand of the fan and the other was twisted to the back. Many people in the lobby heard the sound of bone fracture.

"Where are the dogs barking in public?"

Although Maureen knew it was wrong to laugh at such an occasion, he just couldn't help it.

"Ah You bitch... "

Qiao Tianchang, who had already been unable to help himself for a long time, came to the side, holding Song Yu's shoulder in his hand. He pinched it heavily and screamed loudly in the hall.

Song Yu is a person who can rank first in the Song family, even in the same family.

This person's ability and martial arts are not bad, but he is a little bit lustful.

This lust is not to see the beautiful people will rob people directly home, but to flirt, but will not do anything. People here know Song Yu's character, so as long as they don't too much, most of them just open one eye and close one eye, but today they seem to have met Qiao Tianchang's wonderful couple. Doesn't it hit the iron plate?

Maureen took a sympathetic look at Song Yu, and he really had no eyes.

"Who gave you the courage to tease my wife?" Qiao Tianchang's murderous voice sounded in Song Yu's ear.

The evil spirit brought from the battlefield made the people in the lobby shiver. Those who knew Song Yu knew that he had kicked the iron plate today, and they were not afraid of him at all.

"This is mine, not mine. I apologize." Song Yu only saw the beauty of the man. Although he was dressed in a woman's bun, he was still ticklish and flirted with him. Who knew that he had caused such a trouble? He didn't owe a debt for a long time.

Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yu's regretful appearance and cannot help sneering.

"It's a disaster from the mouth. I'd better keep it in mind." Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yu with a smile.

"I must remember my wife's words." Song Yu's face was sweaty with pain in his arm. The two men were too cruel. He just said two words and broke his arm. Is there anything worse than him?

Joe gave a cold snort, made two hand movements, and soon took the man's arm.