If it wasn't for the pain from his arm, Song Yu would think that he had made a mistake. All that was just an illusion.

"Your room is ready."

"Let's go."

Mo Lin turns to look at Song Yu, who is constipated. Then he laughs and follows them away.

"Are you OK, young master?"

"It's OK, but why are these people?" Song Yu frowned. As the heir of the Song family, he still had some in his eyes, but he didn't see these people.

"Do you want to..."

"No, it's my fault this time, but let's have someone investigate it. There are so many things in the family during this period of time that we can't make any mistakes."


After putting things in the room, Ning Mengyao and them went to the box to prepare something to eat.

"Who were those two goods just now?"

"Song Yu, song Yan's elder brother, is very nice, but he is a bit lecherous, but he just likes to flirt with others." Mo Lin thought of song Yugang's appearance, and couldn't help laughing again.

Ningmengyao's speechless eyes turned white and said that he was the second best. He was really a second best. How could there be such a person who was stupid? He even came to beat him.

"It's really a second product."

Maureen finally couldn't help laughing.

"Song Yu's position in the Song family is not low, because he knows how to be measured and doesn't cause any disaster, so people in the Song family usually have one eye open and one eye closed." Said Maureen, looking down at the cup in his hand.

"So it's not bad, except for some lecherous people?"

"You can think that." Maureen shrugged, not caring at all.

Ning Mengyao takes a look at Maureen. What does it mean? She can think so.

"By the way, there is another thing, that is, the relationship between Song Yu and song Yan is not very good. Song Yan, because of his parents' love, wants to compete with Song Yu for the position of the little Lord." Maureen's face was full of ridicule, which seemed to disdain song Yan's mind.

Ningmengyao blinked, a little stunned, did not expect that song Yan was still a big heart ah.

"I didn't expect that song Yan had a big mind." Ning Mengyao opens her mouth with a smile.

"Not really? However, there is no precedent for the Song family to have a woman as the minority leader. Besides, song Yan can't compare with Song Yu in any way. However, there seems to be someone behind song Yan during this period of time, who even competes with Song Yu The expression that mentions this Mo Lin is to change somewhat cold, it seems that the person behind song Yan has the same hatred with him.

"Have a feud with you?"

"Naturally, if not for those people, how could my face be destroyed like that?" Maureen reached for his face.

Although the face is wearing a mask of easy face, as long as you think of the face you saw when you woke up, the evil spirit in your heart will show signs of uncontrollable.

"Be quiet. Don't go mad here. Stay mad until you see someone and get revenge." Ning Mengyao slapped Mo Lin on the forehead and said with a black face.

The fire in Maureen's heart was taken away by Ning Mengyao.

"I said that your man is on the side. Can you stop acting on me? If he thinks you like me, he will kill me. " Mo Lin looked at Ning Mengyao and said angrily.

Ningmengyao's brain is very painful.

"Maureen, are you dying?" Qiao Tianchang flies over with an eye knife. This guy is looking for a smoke.

Maureen shrunk his neck. Can't a hero hide if he doesn't suffer from the immediate loss?

After dinner, Maureen offered to stay here for a few more days to inquire about the Song family.


After a night's rest, Maureen went out early in the morning. As for where he went, Ning Mengyao didn't ask.

Song Yu looks at the gorgeous song Yan in front of her and sneers.

"Brother, where are you going? My parents were looking for you just now. " Song Yan looks at Song Yu and says with a smile.

Song Yu stops, turns around and looks at Song Yan, who is looking for trouble. "Why can't he stay at Mo's house, so he's back?"