Song Yan had always been at Mo's house before. Although Mo Lin didn't want to marry her or even take a look at her, she could still let those people of Mo's house fight against Mo Lin. seriously, he couldn't believe it.

Song Yan's face was changed by Song Yu. It was ugly.

"This is my home. How can I come back?" Song Yan looks at Song Yu displeased and says in a cold voice.

"Oh? Your home? Why can't I see you're making a family here? In recent years, didn't you take you and Molin's' son 'to live in the Mo's house as a young lady? How do you say that my parents have called you back several times? Oh, I thought, "my son and my husband are here, how can I go back?" you said that No one who can run, he doesn't pay attention to song Yan's trick.

"Song Yu, don't be so arrogant." Song Yan glared at Song Yu angrily and said.

"Ha ha, I am arrogant? Who is arrogant, a woman, pointing at things at home, how? Are you not arrogant? " Song Yu used to like his sister, but after he left four years ago and came back, the whole person changed and his heart grew bigger.

Seeing her like that, not only did she fight against the Song family, I'm afraid she won't let go of the Mo family. Now, the Mo family doesn't know if it has changed its surname.

"The position of the young Lord can be occupied by people. I'm also surnamed song. Why can't I fight for it, or are you afraid?" Song Yan looks at Song Yu with her eyebrows raised. Does she want to provoke herself? We have to see if he has the ability.

Song Yu looked at Song Yan's natural appearance and couldn't help laughing sarcastically.

Song Yu's smile is a deep satire to Song Yu.

"Song Yan, do you think that with the help of those people behind you, the Song family is the thing in your pocket? Don't look up to yourself or the people behind you. " Those old people of the Song family are not so easy to fool.

They may have this greed and desire, but they are absolutely loyal to the Song family.

For song Yan's luring behavior, although the old guys are happy on the face and good for her, they don't know what they are thinking.

"Are you jealous?"

"Haha, jealousy? You mean jealous? I haven't broken my brain yet. Besides, what makes me jealous just like you? A woman who is used but still complacent here, jealous of you? I haven't had a problem with my brain. " Song Yu's tongue is not ambiguous at all, especially in the face of people he doesn't like.


"I'm not interested in continuing to talk with you here. You can do it yourself." Song Yu finished, turned to his own yard.

Song Yan looks at the back of Song Yu's leaving, with a strong hatred on his face. The damned Song Yu will let him know the end of offending himself sooner or later.

Song Yu returned to his yard, frowning tightly. It seems that song Yan didn't doubt his kindness this time.

If you want to deal with the Song family, you have to see whether he agrees or not.

"Young master..."

"You stay here. I'll see the ancestor." After thinking about it, Song Yu decided to tell the elder at home about it.


Song Yu came to the most remote yard, stood at the door and bowed and said: "younger generation Song Yu asked to see the old ancestor."

"Come in." There was a very old voice in the yard.

With the sound of the sound, the door opened from the inside, and there were two middle-aged men in their 40s and 50s standing at the door.

"Young master, please."

"Thank you."

He never looked down on the people in the yard.

"Song Yu has seen the old ancestor."

"What do you mean?"

Song Yu tells the old ancestor about song Yan. After hearing this, the other side falls into silence for a short time.

"You have full power to deal with this matter. As for other people, I will inform you that if song Yan really does something harmful to the Song family, you can kill people in situ." Said the old man with his back to song yupan's leg sitting on the futon.

"Yes, ancestor."