Because the old ancestor's words, Song Yu is greatly relieved. The Song family is his home, so he naturally doesn't want that fool of song Yan to lose this home directly.

Frown slightly, Song Yu's eyes with a trace of worry.

"Ancestor, if song Yan is her..."

"Yu'er, you are an excellent child, but sometimes you are too indecisive, and those who make great achievements don't pay attention to small things. If song Yan really does something to hurt the interests of the family, then there is no need to leave her a hand. You can understand?" The voice of the old ancestor is cold, but also helpless.

Song Yu was silent for a long time, then nodded: "the old ancestor yu'er understood."

"Well, go back. It depends on how your father and them deal with it. If they want to do things according to song Yan's will, I will give you the power to raise their power."


Song Yu soon walked out, as if he had never been here before. After he left, he turned his back to his ancestor and looked at the direction of the door.

"You help yu'er. He is too emotional."


Song Yu went back to his yard, thought about it, and decided to tell his father about song Yan.

However, after telling his father about it, Song Yu got a lot of scolding. They thought he couldn't bear song Yan, so they said that.

His mother even looked at him with a disgusting look, which made Song Yu's face a little less beautiful.

"The young master has been to Madame and them before."

Song Yu was stunned and then understood. It seems that when he went to the old ancestor's place, song Yan went to his parents and complained. This cognition made Song Yu's mouth slightly hooked and his face obviously mocked.

Do you think you win if you get your parents together? Song Yan is as naive as ever.

"I know. Keep looking at Song Yan."

"It's the young master."

Song Yan left her parents with a happy smile on her face. Song Yu, I'd like to see who my parents believe.

Mo Lin watched the opera with great interest. The Song family leader and his wife were also stupid. How could they believe song Yan so easily? Would they not be afraid that the Song family would become the second Mo family?

He can guess without investigation that although there is no change in the Mo family, it must have become someone else's thing secretly. The Song family is the next mo family.

"How about you gloating like this?" Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Mo Lin. she asked in silence.

Maureen nodded seriously. "What's wrong?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know if those people are here." Said Maureen, with a frown.

If those people follow song Yan, it will be much easier to do, at least not to find people.

"I'm afraid it's not there. The Mo family just got it. It's not so easy for the Song family to have Song Yu. What they have to do is to control all the forces of the Mo family in their own hands." Ning Mengyao shook her head, thinking that those people should not be so eager.

"You're right." Maureen thought it over carefully and understood the meaning of Ning Mengyao.

Take a deep breath and look at Mo Lin looking outside. His eyes fall below. When looking at Song Yan, Mo Lin can't help but draw up a smile of evil.

They really have a narrow way to go, so they can meet each other.

Song Yan downstairs came out today just to look around, and didn't notice someone looking at her upstairs.

"I'm really lucky." Ning Mengyao looks at the people below and says.

Isn't it good luck that Maureen's mouth is slightly raised?

"I used to hate seeing her, but now when I see her, I really want to crush her to death." It seems that only in this way can she get rid of her hatred.

Ning Mengyao looked at his fierce eyes and was very understanding.

"If I were you, I would not crush people to death, I would make her life worse than death."