Mo Lin's words make Ning Mengyao and them fall into silence. From Mo Lin's words, he knows that the man has never appeared. Maybe song Yan doesn't know who the other side is.

"Song Yan doesn't know who the other side is either?"

"Maybe." Maureen is also a little uncertain. Let's say that song Yan hasn't seen the man in the past two years. He can see that song Yan is really in a hurry, but she didn't do anything, just like she didn't know about it.

I don't know. Many times, song Yan's performance really made him a little confused.

"Are you going to fight song Yan here, or go to Mo's first?" Ning Mengyao suddenly asked.

"Of course, I'll go back first. If I don't go back to give them a big gift, how can I treat them to me?"

"Let's leave in three days. In these three days, we should first find out about the Song family, especially song Yan."

"You can find Song Yu." Qiao Tianchang, who has not spoken, looked at them and said.

At the same time, Qiao Tianchang's eyes were full of surprises.

"You mean..."

"Yes, song Yan is going to fight song family. Song Yu won't stand by, but we will fight song Yan. Anyway, we have a common enemy with Song Yu. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. If Song Yu is a wise man, he will know how to choose." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

Maureen and they thought about this possibility, maybe they could do it.

"Tianchang may be right." Maureen watched Joe Tianchang's eyes brighten.

"But you should first determine Song Yu's mind, otherwise you will not be able to help you, but will bring you a lot of trouble." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

What he said about cooperation with Song Yu can only be implemented after he has determined that Song Yu will start with song Yan. Otherwise, it will not help them, but will bring them endless troubles.

"Tianchang, you can rest assured that I understand that." Maureen nodded to make it clear.

"Well, that's all. I'll go out with Tianchang." Then he took Joe Tianchang and prepared to go outside.

Maureen silently looks at the couple who left.

"Have they always been so headstrong?"

"What is that?" Yu Feng looks at Mo Lin and says.

Ningmengyao has done many willful things, but it's not only the same, but also more willful every time.

"You're the one who spoiled her." Said Maureen, shaking his head in silence.

"Do you have an opinion?"


Ningmengyao had no purpose after they went downstairs. They just wandered around, but they found that this place was OK. It was crowded and bustling.

"Tianchang, do you think this is cute? Buy one for tangtangtangdoudou. " Ning Mengyao picked up two kinds of small toys from the side stall, which were very cute.

Qiao Tianchang looked and nodded, "how much is this?"

"Miss Ben wants it."

Familiar voice, let Ning Mengyao slightly pick eyebrows, this is really a narrow path.

"How much is this, Miss Ben?" Song Yan didn't look at Ning Mengyao either. He snatched things from their hands and asked the stall owner.

Ning Mengyao frowned at the stolen things in her hand.

"Miss, don't you understand the word" first come first " Ningmengyao's face was cold.

Song Yan looked up and down at these two people who bought last year, and said with great contempt: "look at you like this, do you have money to buy other people's things? Don't pretend without money. "

Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Why do some people always say that they have no money? Do they look so shabby?

He looked down at his clothes and Qiao Tianchang's clothes. Although they were not made of snow silk, they were also good brocade. What eyes did this man look at, they became poor people?