"How much is that, boss?" Ning Mengyao doesn't want to pay attention to song Yan, but takes something else from the stall.

But song Yan seems to be fighting against her. If she takes something, song Yan will rob something, which makes Ning Mengyao take back her hand.

"This young lady, are you here to find fault?"

"Who's making trouble? I just happened to like these things. " Song Yan spread out his hands and said casually.

These two people made her think of ningmengyao's husband and wife. Because they, she did not know how good they lost face, so she would not let them go when she saw them, especially the eyes of this woman are very similar to that of that woman.

As long as she saw this woman, she would think of the one who made her lose face.

"Since you like it, let it be. Let's go to another place." Ning Mengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang and says with a smile.

"Well, it's not the same thing." Qiao Tianchang nodded and opened his mouth at will.

They left the stall. The owner of the stall looked at Song Yan and said, "Miss, these things..."

Song Yan throws things to the stall and leaves. The angry stall owner looks blue. The good business has been turned yellow. The young lady is still superior and looks down on people. It's really annoying.

Next, no matter where Ning Mengyao went, Song Yu was following them. And what they liked, Song Yu would grab it directly. Some things paid directly, some things were thrown back to others' stalls without paying, and then left.

People who get money are naturally happy, and those who don't get money are naturally uncomfortable.

After so many times, Ning Mengyao finally stopped, turned around and looked at the man who was following them, with irony and mockery in his eyes.

"I don't think we offended you, miss?"

"Your eyes offend me." Song yanleng snorted and said directly.

Ningmengyao can't help laughing when she sees her forehead. This person is really interesting. Doesn't she know that this person is easy to offend people?

"Can't my eyes offend you, and I have to dig them out?" Ningmengyao sighed and said: "since you can't stand my eyes, why don't you follow us and ask for trouble?"

"Who's following you? Is this the only way you can go? "

"Oh, you didn't follow? Then our husband and wife will go that way next. I hope they won't go the same way with this young lady. Let's go Ning Mengyao looks at Song Yan with a smile, and leaves with Qiao Tianchang.

Song Yan looks at the back of the two people's leaving. It's not right to keep up with them. It's not right if they don't follow them. Instead, it's not interesting to get her.

"Tianchang, do you think song Yan recognized us?" Seeing that song Yan didn't keep up, Ning Mengyao said with a playful face.

"No, if she did, she would not come to our trouble just like this." Said Joe Tianchang, shaking his head.

Song Yan's reason for asking them for trouble is probably that their eyes are very similar.

"You're right. Let's go back. I'm in no mood because of her." Originally, I wanted to buy some things for some children. Who knew that song Yan would come to trouble them like this, which made Ning Mengyao a bit tired of it. She didn't even have any interest in shopping.

"OK, let's go."

Molin and his wife went back so soon when they saw ningmengyao. They had obvious doubts in their eyes.

"Why are you two back so soon?" According to the understanding of these two people, they should not come back until they don't play.

"There's a troublemaker." Ning Mengyao sat on the chair beside Qiao Tianchang, very casually.

Mo Lin's eyelids jump straight, looking at Ning Mengyao and them. Song Yan will get into trouble if they are easy to face. How bad are their personalities?

"Maybe your character is too bad." Maureen looked at the two men and said solemnly.

Ningmengyao flies directly to the past with an eye knife. This man is looking for smoke, isn't he?