Maureen quickly shut up, or don't go on. He can't provoke several people here. He can't hide if he can't.

Three days is enough for Molin to find out everything about the Song family. But in these days, because Song Yu's attitude towards song Yan was rejected by his parents, he has been reluctant to do many things for him. Instead, song Yan has been exposed to some core things in his family.

Song Yan is not arrogant these days. When she saw Song Yu, she went to stop him and looked at him.

"Song Yu, don't you think you are powerful? But now you can see that your position in their hearts is just like this. I think you will become my little Lord's position in a short time. " Song Yan looks at Song Yu and laughs. He looks very proud.

Song Yu looks at Song Yan expressionless and sees her arrogance in front of her.

"Have you finished?"

Song Yan's satisfied expression changed a lot. Looking at Song Yu's face without any sign of anger, song Yan suddenly felt very uninteresting.

"Song Yu, if you ask me, how about I ask them to give you something to do?" Song Yan looks at Song Yu's temptation and says.

"Is that all you have to say?" Song Yu looks at Song Yan lightly, not angry at all. Instead, he looks at Song Yan like a clown.

"Song Yu, what are you still proud of? My parents don't like you any more. They said that they would soon give me the position of your little Lord. " Song Yan looked at Song Yu and said crazily. He looked ferocious, but he was pitiful.

"Ha ha, they say? How much do you know about song Yan's family? Don't you dare to speak up here without knowing anything? " If it had been before, Song Yu might have been angry, but with the support of his ancestors, he didn't worry at all.

Of course, he knows that his parents don't like him at all these days, or even hate him very much, but what's the matter? If they knew what they were doing, what would be their expression? Suddenly Song Yu was curious.

Song Yan looks at Song Yu like this, and can't help frowning. He wonders what this person's words mean? Why does she feel so bad in her heart.

"Song Yan here is not Mo's family who can let you go wild and collect a little of your paws. If you save money, you can't eat rice by stealing chickens." Song Yu approached song Yan and said word by word.

Looking at Song Yu's departure as a winner, song Yan's expression slightly distorts the expression full of hatred.

Is it difficult for her to know about the Song family? Only to ask my parents.

Thinking of this, song Yan went to find the leader of the Song family.

"What does Dad Song Yu mean? Is there anything else I don't know about the Song family? " Song Yan asked straightforwardly when she knew the leader of the Song family.

The Song family leader looked at his daughter with a smile on his face, but the smile in his eyes did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"Why are you looking for your brother again? What did he tell you again? " The head of the Song family looked at his daughter with a gentle face as if she didn't understand her words.

Song Yan takes a look at the leader of the Song family and tells him what Song Yu said. After hearing this, song Yan's heart jumps and feels bad.

"What else did your brother tell you?"

"What's going on with dad? Why are you so worried? " Song Yan looked at the Song family leader with a suspicious face and asked strangely.

The Song family leader forced out a smile and gave two dry laughs.

"Nothing, just to ask you what he told you." There is no redundant expression on the face of the Song family leader, but that's what makes song Yan feel very strange.

However, in order to get the answers he wanted, song Yan did not hide the conversation and told the Song family leader.

After hearing this, the head of the Song family frowned tightly. It seems that he really despised his son.

I'm afraid he's seen the old ancestor.