The man in black nodded at Song Yan's eyes, then left with the letter. After seeing the man leave, song Yan was relieved.

The man in black came all the way to a remote house.

"Letter from Song Yan, the master son."

"Here you are." Inside the room, there was a voice of indecision, which made the man in black tremble, then he walked in with his head bowed.

Inside is a very luxurious room. Near the window, there is a soft collapse. On the soft collapse, leaning against a man in black, his hair is scattered behind him.

"The Lord's letter is here."

When the man reached for the letter, he opened it and looked at it. The man's mouth raised an ironic smile.

"What a fool, thinking that it's OK to do the same to the Song family as to the Mo family?" The voice of men's evil ways surprised people in black.

"If that's the case, shall we do it ourselves?"

"For the time being, song Yan's woman is still useful. Tell her where the old ancestor of the Song family must be found. Not only that, but also let the old ancestor look at her differently." The man squinted and ordered.


Song Yan listened to the words of the man in black, and frowned.

"I don't even know where my ancestors are looking for them." Song Yan said with a wrinkle.

"If you know, the master won't let you find it."

In a word, the man in black blocked all the words of song Yan. Yes, she knew where to find what else?


"You find your own way. The master said not only to find people, but also to make them look at you differently." The man in black interrupted song Yan and said directly.

The expression on Song Yan's face changed again and again. At last, it turned red. She didn't even know what she looked like or where she was. They wanted to make her look different?

Compared with Song Yu, song Yan knows that she can't match her. It's not that she despises herself, but that she takes it for granted. If she didn't have their help, she can't fight with Song Yu's chamber now.

As long as their ancestor is not old-fashioned or senile, he knows how to choose. In this case, they want her to do it.

"Lord said, no matter what means you use." It seems that he guessed what song Yan thought, and the man in Black opened his mouth again.

This time, he went straight away without even giving song Yan a chance to talk.

Song Yan's face was blue and purple, and suddenly she regretted sending the letter.

Holding her fist tightly, song Yan's face was full of embarrassment. She did so much, but the man was not willing to accept himself.

Hate flashed in her eyes, she won't just let it go. Sooner or later, she will stand by that man's side. She will let that man know that only she is the most suitable person for him.

No matter what song Yan thought, what he ordered was still to be done, and must be done.

But where is the old ancestor? I don't know if the master of the Song family will tell her. Then her only clue is Song Yu. Only after Song Yu can we find someone.

The old ancestor of the Song family suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the front with deep eyes.

"Did the ancestors allow them to do so recklessly?" Asked the man beside, frowning.

"This is what yu'er should worry about. If he can't even do this well, I will worry about whether he really should give the Song family to him." The old ancestor of the Song family said with his eyes narrowed.

"Do you mean to use this to test Master Yu?"

"Yes, unless it's necessary, don't do anything. Although yu'er's ability is very good, I still want to see what he can do. But you are also staring at Song Yan and his daughter." He was very unhappy that such a black sheep had come out of the family.


Song Yu looks at Song Yan, who appears in front of her again, with obvious impatience in her eyes. What does this woman want? These two days, if he doesn't pay attention, he will be blocked.

"What do you want to do?" Song Yu asked impatiently.

"As for you, brother? We are brothers and sisters at best. "