Song Yu looked at him coldly and said that they were brothers and sisters. He could not stop satirizing. Who had provoked him before? Do you know that they are brothers and sisters now?

"Brother and sister? I don't have a sister like you. "

"I was wrong before brother, you..."

"Don't say anything like that. I feel sick. If you have something to say, don't beat around the Bush here." Song Yu hurriedly interrupts song Yan's emotion and reason. She shivers for a while. It seems that this man is disgusted.

Song Yan's face was a little ugly. She was so low spirited that what she got was his dislike and reproach? This is a great shame.

"Song Yu, don't be shameless."

"By the way, that's what song Yan should look like." Song Yu didn't get angry at being scolded at all. Instead, she looked at Song Yan and nodded seriously.


"Song Yan, no matter what your purpose is, you still don't need to use it on me. It's unnecessary, because I will only be opposite to you." Song Yu doesn't want to continue to entangle with song Yan. After saying that, she turns around and leaves. After going out for two steps, she stops and looks at Song Yan. "Don't block me with such a chance encounter. It's boring."

If it's just embarrassing, then all of it is humiliating to song Yan, and it's humiliating to lose her hair.

Mercilessly, she fell on the ground with what she was holding in her hand. That was to attract Song Yu to buy it. Who knew that it would be such a result? She was so angry.

Mo Lin soon knew what happened to the Song family. Their brothers and sisters quarreled with each other for good and no harm. What's more, he wanted to cooperate with Song Yu. Naturally, Song Yu would not have a good relationship with song Yan.

"Song Yu's business is almost over. Tomorrow we will go to Mo's house first, deal with the business there, and then come back." Maureen's eyes are the flames of hatred. It's true that the couple are his parents, but they are also his enemies. Their kindness has been paid off in the past few years.

"Well, I don't know how Fenger and they are. Is there anything?" Ning Mengyao is worried about this.

However, Qiao mofeng, who was worried about her, got involved in the Feng family. Those who were loyal to Feng Xiao knew that this was their eldest young master.

"Young master, that woman is coming."

Qiao Mo Feng was stunned, and then understood who they were talking about.

Soon, Qiao mofeng saw that madam Feng came to this place with her servant girl's money. At one glance, Qiao mofeng could see that all of this person's body was poisoned, not only her body, but also her clothes.

Looking down, Qiao mofeng's eyes are full of satire. It seems that this man is really a good poison maker.

But it's not half as bad as aunt Qingshuang and grandpa Zu.

If you make so many poisons on yourself, people who know medicine can see some ways, even though her poisons are still high.

"Are you the one fengxiao brought back?" Feng's wife squinted at Qiao mofeng, wondering where the boy could attract Feng Xiao and let him bring people back.

"Grandma, please stay away from me. You smell a little uncomfortable." Qiao Mo Feng frowned and looked at madam Feng innocently.

Milk Grandma? Mrs. Feng was shocked by this title. Although she was in her forties, she paid great attention to maintenance. On the surface, she was in her thirties at most. How could she become his grandmother.

"You want to die..."

"Ah, did I say the wrong thing? But you have wrinkles on the corners of your eyes, and they are so obvious. " Qiao Mo Feng pretended not to see Mrs. Feng's dark face, and touched her chin where he said to himself.

The people who are guarding Qiao mofeng are laughing wildly. Their young master is so talented. He knows that this woman cares about her appearance very much. He also talks about her appearance. Isn't that to make trouble on purpose?