Feng Xiao's eyes flashed a little smile. He took a look at the ugly Feng shadow, and his eyebrows were slightly picked. Was it bad for a child to say that he was a wolf in the heart and a dog in the lung?

As expected, Feng Yingxing's face was ugly.

"Feng Xiao, look at the people you brought home." Feng Yingxing was embarrassed by a younger generation. He said it angrily.

"I think..."

"Let's go and say so much." Feng Xiao wanted to say something more, but was dragged out by Qiao mofeng.

Feng Xiao couldn't help but look at Qiao mofeng, who was dragging him outside, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Well, maple, I know to go. Don't drag it." Feng Xiao's hand made great efforts to pull people to her side, with a doting smile on her face.

Fengyingxing didn't come to look at the child in a hurry just now. Now she sees that fengxiao dotes on him so much. Think about that fengxiao hasn't had a woman in these years. Fengyingxing's face is immediately brilliant.

"Fengxiao, I thought you didn't like women these years, just because you didn't find the right one, but I didn't expect you to be such a person." Fengyingxing's eyes were obviously disgusted, and her expression was very ugly, even disgusting, as if seeing fengxiao was such a disgusting thing.

Feng Xiao said something inexplicably by Feng Ying. Who is he? What is not finding the right one? Why can he understand a single word and can't even understand it?

Fengxiao's subordinates were shocked by fengyingxing's words. They couldn't find the north. Look at the intimate but ambiguous appearance between the master and the young master. Then think about fengyingxing's words. Everyone is shocked by the thunder.

"Lord, he said you like men." One of them couldn't see it. He kindly used his internal power to transmit it to fengxiao, which was heard by Qiao mofeng. His face was pretty.

"Like men? Me? " Fengxiao is still a little confused about the situation. What did she do to make fengyingxing feel like a man?

As Feng Xiao said, Qiao mofeng's face was ugly and even worse. He knew that Feng Xiao was very good to him. They were father and son, so sometimes they talked and did things a little too close, just like now.

Looking down at fengxiao holding his hand and putting it on his waist, it seems a little ambiguous no matter what.

"Look at you first." Qiaomofeng gnawed his teeth, as if he wanted to chew people directly.

Fengxiao neck a cool, subconsciously look down, see him and Qiao mofeng now, finally understand why fengyingxing said that.

They look like that now.

Their father and son are said to be lovers? It's funny, isn't it.

"Ha ha, sorry feng'er, let me smile first." Feng Xiao couldn't help it. He let go of his hand and squatted on the ground laughing.

I can't blame him for laughing like this, but it's too funny.

Qiao mofeng, who was originally black in face, saw fengxiao like this, and his face became more ugly, especially when he saw that fengxiao's smile was out of breath.

"Have you laughed enough?" Joe mofeng felt that his back teeth were itchy, and he wanted to bite people, especially the Feng Xiao who laughed like that.

Maybe I feel that Qiao mofeng is really angry. Fengxiao stops in a hurry, but his shoulder is still shaking.

"Maple can't blame me, but it's really funny." Feng Xiao saw Qiao Mo Feng give himself an eye knife, hurriedly said.

It really has nothing to do with him. It's so funny.

Feng Yingxing looks at Feng Xiao and laughs like this because of his words. His face turns black immediately.

"Fengxiao, are you happy to laugh here? Don't you think it's humiliating to lose your sleeve? " Feng Yingxing's righteousness makes Qiao Mo Feng's eyes cold.

"Ha ha, shame? Isn't that what you were hoping for? If I was a broken sleeve, then I would not have children. Isn't all I have in the future belong to your Phoenix family? Thinking about these things in your heart, you've lost a lot. Can you be more hypocritical? " Feng Xiao said with a sneer that he didn't intend to explain to Feng Yingxing, just because he didn't deserve it.