"You..." Feng Yingxing gets angry when she is said to have been on her mind.

"What am I? If the Feng family leader is OK, please let him go. Oh, yes, I don't think you have a special brain. Maybe you can go to the woman to get some medicine to cure you and see if it can be cured. " What's the look in this man's eyes? To be close to a man is to lose his sleeve? Don't like women is like men? It's all logic.

Joe mofeng can't stay in this miasmal Phoenix family.

"Whether you go or not, I'll go by myself." Qiao Mo Feng looks impatiently at Feng Xiao. Where does this man come from? Didn't you talk a lot when we met? Now how to become a chatterbox.

"OK, let's go. Can't we go?" Fengxiao's eyes were full of frustration. Later, the leader of Chongfeng's family spread out his hands. Then he put his hand around Qiao mofeng's shoulder and they left fengyingxing's side.

He glared at Qiao mofeng's back. Feng Yingxing's face was grim and murderous. It was obvious that the reason why Feng Xiao left here was attributed to Qiao mofeng.

Joe mofeng happened to see such a line of sight. He couldn't help laughing. This old man is really annoying.

"What are you thinking?" On the way to the other courtyard, Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Mo Feng's head, looking thoughtful.

"I think my days will be very full in the future." Qiao mofeng will enrich these two words.

Feng Xiao chuckles and says nothing, but takes Qiao mofeng to another hospital.

Looking at everything else in the courtyard, Qiao Mo Feng nodded, as if very satisfied.

"It's a nice place."

"That's, and don't see whose territory it is." The Phoenix is flying in the sky.

Qiao Mo Feng takes a look at fengxiao. He just gives some color to open a dye shop.

"No villa is as good as it is." Joe mofeng said directly.

"Maple, are you my son?" Feng Xiao's face was stiff. He sighed heavily and looked at Qiao Mo Feng helplessly.

Why does one's son speak for others?

"Yes, but I'm also the son of my parents." Joe Mo Feng nodded and said seriously.

Feng Xiao's eyelids jumped. Well, he ignored the problem.

"Well, I'm still angry. I'll take care of things here. You can take people outside." Feng Xiao reaches out and pats his son's head. He doesn't go out to play since he came here. He follows him every day, which makes Feng Xiao feel warm and helpless. In fact, he doesn't need to.

"Do I look like someone who likes to play?" Qiao Mo Feng looked at Feng Xiao scornfully and snorted coldly.

"It's not that you like to play, it's just that you want to relax." Feng Xiao was not at all misunderstood, but said softly.

Qiao mofeng thought about it, then shook his head. He didn't need to play. He could go whenever he wanted to. He didn't have to be at this time.

"No, and now the Feng family leader really hates to eat me." Qiao Mo Feng picked up eyebrows and joked.

Feng Xiao reached out and patted his son's head. He looked at him speechlessly: "it's his own business to be angry. What do you want to do so much?"

"Dad, do you think they are OK now? Are they obedient in the villa? " Leave so a few days, Joe Mo Feng all some miss those three naughty children.

"Don't worry about them. They are small, but which one of the two guys is the fuel-efficient lamp except sugar?" Tangtang's character is gentle and very kind, so most of the time, Qiao moshang will spoil people, but the other two are different. Qiao moshang has been precocious since he was a child, so it's needless to say now. Doudou doesn't show it, but from some things, that little guy is not a simple role.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Feng Xiao and said coolly, "I'm not worried about this. I'm worried about whether they will run out secretly."