"No, I don't agree." The second lady quickly retorted.

"It's not up to you to disagree." Wu Shanshan said with cold eyes.

The second lady hated it. She didn't expect to be standing outside. After she came here, she heard that Xiaoyao villa belongs to the blue family. It's a big appetite.

Holding Lanting's hand, she goes in and looks at the aggrieved second lady without worry and sarcasm.

"Say that Xiaoyao villa belongs to your blue family? Where do you come from? I'm not afraid that you're going to die. " Said carefree sarcastically.

What is the development of Xiaoyao villa? Only they know it. How dare a blue family think of Xiaoyao villa? Who gave her the guts?

Wu Shanshan knew it was bad when she saw Wu Shanshan's husband and wife. Originally, she thought that if they didn't listen to these words, Wu Shanshan's happiness was broken by Wu Shanshan's words.

LAN Ting goes to Wu Shanshan and reaches for her hand.

"Don't worry about mother. When Dad comes back, tell him how to deal with it." Before the marriage, Lanting knew that she was not a wild child, but a natural daughter of Lanting, which made her happy for a long time. Wu Shanshan also put people under her own name. She and Lanting were both legitimate daughters.

"Ting'er's mother can't ignore it. Their heart is big. Xiao thinks about something that shouldn't belong to her." Wu Shanshan sighed and said helplessly.

If you can really ignore these things, she doesn't want to ask, but is this OK? Just like they are now, no matter what they do, they will get it in the future?

She thought that after she managed Li Juanrong 's business, they could also be united, but now it' s ridiculous to think about it.

Before, when they didn't want Li juanxing to crush them, they could still be together, just like their own sisters, but now? Without Li Juanshi, she didn't want to embarrass them because she thought everyone was a woman.

But it's her ease, plus what they saw and heard in the Xiaoyao villa, that makes their hearts grow completely, and even say such words.

Lan Xin sighs and looks at LAN Ting, then shakes her head.

"It's up to my mother about ting'er."

Lanting wants to say something else, but seeing Lanting's expression, she knows what these ladies look like now. She immediately nods and doesn't say anything more.

"I I am your elder You... You... " The second lady was frightened by the cold expression of Wuyou. She stammered something that she would not agree with.

"Elders? What kind of elder are you? Although you are a lady, you are just a concubine in my eyes. "

Worry free words, let two Madame's face turn pale for a moment, yes, even now she is two madams, but also is the master's concubine, what capital does she have here to clamor?

Although LAN Pengsheng said that he would treat them the same, but he didn't care who they were, Wu Shanshan was the one he loved more. He spent a third of every month with Wu Shanshan.


"What are you doing? How does this look like? " When LAN Pengsheng came in from outside, he saw such a scene and frowned.

Seeing LAN Liang's birth, the second lady rushed directly to him and kept crying. She said that people in Xiaoyao villa were bullying people. Even Wu Shanshan followed the people in Xiaoyao villa to bully them and said how many injuries blue city suffered.

"What's the matter with Shanshan?" Asked LAN Pengsheng.

Wu Shanshan sneers at the second lady and tells LAN Pengsheng what happened. She knows that if LAN Pengsheng asks, he doesn't believe her. He just wants to know everything.

After hearing this, LAN Pengsheng's face was black with anger. He looked at the second lady who was waiting for him. He reached out and pushed the man away. He raised his hand and slapped the second lady in the face.

"Who said these things to you? How long does it take for a good child to be taught like this? As Shanshan said, the children will be raised in the name of Shanshan. You are not allowed to see the children again. "