He thought he was very happy. Although there were several women around him, they got along well, just like their sisters, and the children played well.

But how long does that last? It's only two months, and the child is only two months in front of the mother every day. It's like this. If it's a long time, then it's ok?

The second lady was beaten. She was very angry at first, but now when she heard LAN Liangsheng's words, she didn't let her see her son. How could this be?

"Master, you can't be so cruel. Cheng'er is my child." The second lady kept begging.

"I'm cruel? Why should we have known this? Don't want to be separated from the children. Why did you go there? If we don't teach our children well, we will teach them to be such crooked melons and split dates. Later, we will say that we are all the people who lost our blue family. " Blue fan's angry face turned white.

How can a child over eleven not be angry when he tells his youngest nine to beat two five-year-olds?

Is their education to let these children bully the weak? If it is such a child, he would rather not.

"Master, you How can you say that about the city? " Two madams are shocked to look at blue to live, in his eyes is her child slant melon crack date?

LAN Pengsheng snorted coldly. His eyes were full of satire. He liked the blue city before. His character was very good. But who ever thought that he had been raised by her mother for two months? It became the way it is now. It really made him angry.

Wu Shanshan sighed. If she could, she really didn't want to raise such a child. After so long education, she was made so simple by the second lady. It can be seen that she just pretended before.

"Leave here tomorrow." Said the blue fan coldly.

"Before they leave, they need to eat something and forget something they shouldn't remember." Worry free at this time.

"Worry free brother?" LAN Ting looks at Wu you with some consternation, obviously she doesn't understand what he means.

"Many people in Xiaoyao villa are looking for it. They know about the things in Xiaoyao villa. Now they want to leave. They must forget these things. I can trust my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and Lanxin, but I can't trust any of them." Carefree looking at two madams they light opening.

"But what is to be done?" LAN Pengsheng thought it was better, so he asked.

"This father-in-law doesn't have to worry. Xiaoyao villa has its own way." Carefree shook his head and said quietly.

Seeing this, even if he wanted to ask anything more, he kept silent.

"My father-in-law must have something else for you to do. Ting'er and I will go back first and come with Mu Chen later." Worry free flushes blue to live to bow slightly body, afterward openings to say.


After the worry free couple left, the second lady was dissatisfied.

"Master, why should we forget these things? It's not fair. " Why can Wu Shanshan remember these things, and they will forget them?

"You can deal with the matter of Shanshan's leaving. We will leave tomorrow." LAN Liangsheng doesn't want to talk to the second lady very much now. Even if he looks at her, he thinks it's inconvenient.

Without an answer, the second lady was unable to get off stage, but there was no one to take care of her.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, but we still owe someone an account of it." Wu Shanshan sighed and said.

Blue life eyebrows tightly wrinkled, is really so right.

"I see. I'm going now. You can handle it here. Before leaving, they are not allowed to leave the yard for half a step. Few of them don't play ten boards and no one is allowed to plead. After we get to our own house, everyone is forbidden for two months, even their parents." LAN Pengsheng soon said the punishment of several children.

Several people are still children, one person and ten boards, which may take half of their lives.

"It's the children's fault, but they are still small. Are there too many boards?" Several women looked at each other and asked for help.

If they knew there would be a scene today, they would never dare to do such a thing.

It's just that it's too late to regret.