Ningmengyao also has the same idea as Qiao Tianchang. They can communicate with LAN Pengsheng and Wu Shanshan, but she has no plan to get along well with other women.

Before, maybe, after all, she lived in a place where she could not look up and look down, but she would not be polite if she was not embarrassed.

"Well, don't think so much. I think after we go back, the two of them will naturally come to see us." Said Jo Tianchang thoughtfully.

It's self-confident that Qiao Tianchang still has it. LAN Jiansheng won't joke about the future of the blue family. It's a steady business for them. After all, the blue family and Xiaoyao villa are related by marriage in any way. As long as those women don't jump too much, they will open their eyes and pretend that they don't see anything.

"Well, let's go."

The two people who left did not see a familiar figure standing where they had just stayed after they left.

Nangong Yan looks at Qiao Tianchang and their eyes squinting slightly. He has been looking for them before, but he never found them. Unexpectedly, he found someone this time.

After thinking about it, nangongyan finally followed up. It was not until ningmengyao and his wife were ready to leave that they appeared in front of them and blocked them at the same time.

Seeing people, Ning Mengyao was in a good mood. He suddenly fell to the freezing point and looked at the man in front of him coldly. Ning Mengyao's eyes were very cold.

"Yao'er, are you ok?" Nangong Yan looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"Your blessing will not die for the time being." Ning Mengyao said with a sneer.

Now she really regrets that she didn't change her face when she came out. If she did, how could this person recognize her.

When Nangong Yan came, he knew that Ning Mengyao must have no good face for him, but he never thought that Ning Mengyao even hated him to this extent.

"Yao'er dare not what I did before, but I am your father after all, you..."

"Father? I don't have a father like you. I'd rather die. " Ningmengyao directly interrupts nangongyan's words. This man is really shameless. He even says what her father is. Is he worthy of being her father just like him?

Nangong Yan looks at Ning Mengyao's disgusted look, and her heart is sour.

"Your mother is with Baimo." After half a sound, when Ning Mengyao was about to lose patience, Nangong Yan said.

After Ning Mengyao and them left, he stayed there all the time. Later, he found Xiao chenya, but he was a little late. Two years ago, Xiao chenya had been with Bai Mo, and And they had a child.

This is a great satire to Nangong Yan.

He originally wanted to bring Xiao Chengya here, but at last white ink saw through his plan. At last, he didn't take Xiao Chengya away, but he was seriously injured.

After the injury, he left there and went back to the west coast. He wanted to find ningmengyao to start from her, but now he can imagine that ningmengyao looks like this. He is not willing to help him or even hate him at all.

"Isn't that a matter of course?" Ning Mengyao didn't care at all.

In her eyes, both Xiao Chengya and Bai Mo are still very young. Even if they get married, it's no big deal. After all, Bai Mo loves her mother very much. Together, they are the best destination.

But now look at nangongyan. She has the illusion that xiaochengya is cheating.

Is Nangong Yan qualified to come to Xiao Chengya? Didn't they do all this because of him? Want to regret now? It was too late.

Nangong Yan looks at ningmengyao, his eyes are wide open, and he is shocked and stunned. It seems that he didn't expect ningmengyao to say such a thing.

"Yao'er, your mother is my wife." The south palace flame stems the neck to open mouth.

"My mother has nothing to do with you for a long time. Don't you say these annoying things here?"