Ning Mengyao looked at Nangong Yan who said this kind of words at this time, and suddenly felt very funny. Why did he say such words? What is that called his wife?

She doesn't think it's a good person for her wife to be able to poison her hands. No matter whether he has any difficulties or not, it can't be forgiven.

If we really love each other, how can we compare the names of our lovers?

"Yaoer, those things are not what you think." Looking at ningmengyao who is so resistant to him, nangongyan feels uncomfortable.

They used to have such a good relationship with each other. Why is it like this now? Seeing her like this, I just wish I were dead.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I only know that my mother has a new life and has a good life. That's enough. As for you Nangong Yan, you never really put my mother in your heart. If you really love her, why did you poison him after he was pregnant? In the end, in your heart, what you have to do is more important than my mother's life. " Ning Mengyao looked at Nangong Yan and shook her head.

If there is no white ink, try to keep her life, she can't have a mother, and also enjoy the maternal love that can only be felt in the dream.

Now the mother came out of the shadow of Nangong Yan and accepted the good life of Bai Mo and her husband together. She didn't think it was bad.

"Yao'er, you don't know anything. I did it for her." Nangong Yan listens to her daughter's words like this, and the anger in her heart comes up. She lowers her voice and roars.

Qiao Tianchang pulls Ning Mengyao to his back to hide. The woman he holds in his hand, even he is reluctant to yell at him. Why is Nangong Yan? Why do you treat your wife like this?

"If I were you, whether for the sake of my mother-in-law or not, I would not poison her or watch her beloved sleeping for so many years. When you poisoned her, did you ever think that she might die in your hands because of your poison? Nangong Yan has been separated for so many years. You say it's for her good. Are you kidding yourself or treating us all as fools? " Qiao Tianchang looked at Nangong Yan coldly, but he couldn't see this way in his heart.

"I......" Nangong Yan Yusai didn't expect that Xiao Yilin would have that kind of mind. At last, he was moved by others. If it wasn't for white ink to take people away and spend a lot of good medicinal materials, I'm afraid that people have already died. How could it appear in front of them again?

In the face of Nangong Yan's words, Ning Mengyao's smile was satirical. As expected, only Bai Mo was the best person to his mother.

So many years of being alone, whether her mother is sleeping or awake, is the same as before, such a man is a good match for her mother.

"If you just came to tell me this, then I know." Ningmengyao looked at nangongyan indifferently, and said casually.

"Yao'er, can't you really forgive me?" Nangongyan looks at ningmengyao, with a little expectation in her eyes.

"I tell you, it's impossible, not at all. When you hurt my mother, Tianchang and almost killed him, there's no possibility." Ningmengyao shakes her head. Nangongyan was a good father for her, but after he betrayed him and then those things happened, she lost all patience and feelings for this man.

Nangong Yan would like to tell ningmengyao that he didn't want it. He was controlled by others, but he understood that even if he said that, ningmengyao would not forgive him.

After all, he stormed out the news that they had come to the west coast. It won't be long before Nalan Qing will fight them.

He doesn't think that smart as Ning Mengyao would know nothing.

"Yao Er......"

"Let's go." Ningmengyao interrupts nangongyan's words, reaches out to take Qiao Tianchang's hand and leaves from him. When he leaves, he doesn't even leave a look in his eyes.