After the couple left, Mo Lin sat by the window and called Chong.

"Heavy, are you ready?"

"Don't worry, master. Everything is ready." Heavy eyes are also very strong black, obviously just waiting for a long time today.

"Our revenge will soon be avenged. We will also avenge their revenge." He also has more than ten loyal secret guards. Although they are secret guards, they are all brothers to Maureen. As long as he thinks of them dying in front of him one by one, his heart will ache.

After spending more than ten years together, all of a sudden, there was no one left. Maureen really couldn't accept it.

"Good." Heavy breath suddenly changed, eyes also some scarlet, those brothers hatred he did not forget.

If the master didn't give Qiao Tianchang the life-saving pill they gave him, I'm afraid his life would have been explained in Mo's house. How could he come back here alive to avenge the dead brothers.

"Don't worry. After revenge, we will do what we like and stay in Xiaoyao villa later."

In fact, Molin knew that he didn't like Mo's family, but in order to protect him, he stayed and followed him all the time. Maybe he was the happiest only when he was in Baishan village and Xiaoyao villa.

He sacrificed a lot for himself, but he just saved his life.

"Good." Heavy facial expression moved for a while, then nodded.

Maureen suddenly couldn't help laughing. With joy in the laughter, Ning Mengyao, who came back to the room, wondered when they heard Maureen's joyful laughter. What kind of wind did he take?

A few days passed quickly. On the morning of Mr. Mo's birthday party, Mr. Mo Lin made a design and put on the red shirt that was specially prepared by Mr. Chong. It was not the red for celebration, but the red for killing and death.

A long hair at random spread behind, with a thin mask on his face.

Ningmengyao and their faces stiffened when they saw such a Maureen. No, to be exact, it should be the corner of their mouth twitching. Which one of them is Maureen?

"Don't Mengyao think this color is suitable for killing people?" Seems to be aware of ningmengyao's mind, as Mullin began to explain.

Not to mention that Ning Mengyao doesn't think it. After Mo Lin said it, Ning Mengyao really thinks it's a good suit. And now Mo Lin, with the smell of death, is really like that.

"Can bluff." Even the wind nodded.

Maureen is a little sad. He is very serious.

Several people didn't bother about it, but went to Mo's house together. Standing at the door of Mo's house, they watched the cloud like gate. Mo Lin's mouth was crooked. I hope they will be so happy later.

Heavy hand suddenly put to the mouth, blew a whistle, then a group of men in black appeared around them.

"Take care of Mo's family, only allowed in, not allowed out." Maureen's eyes were bloodthirsty.


"Well, even if we don't come, you can revenge yourself, right?"

"Not necessarily."

Ning Mengyao gives Mo Lin a white look and hands the box to him.

"Since I'm here to celebrate my birthday, how can I have no greeting? Are you going to go now or later? "

"Naturally, wait a moment. What's the point of going now? But we can go inside first. " Maureen said casually.

"That's a good idea. Let's go." Ning Mengyao nodded seriously, which made Qiao Tianchang laugh.

"Don't make any noise."

"What are you going to do?"

"We are here to make trouble and kill people. Do you think I will help you prepare any normal gifts?" They are not good fighters to celebrate longevity? Do you want her to prepare anything else? The beauty of him.

Maureen was stunned and then laughed. Could he say that it was just what he wanted?