Maureen laughed, his eyes full of evil smile.

"What I'd like to say is that, just like me, I didn't want to give normal gifts." Maureen looked at the box in his hand and suddenly wanted to see what was in it.

"I told you don't open it. I don't care what happens when you open it." Ning Mengyao blinked and said innocently.

The movement in mollin's hand pauses for a while, thinking of the things that ningmengyao has done in the past, he draws at the corner of his mouth, and then calmly takes his hand back to think about it. He still doesn't look at it.

Yu Feng looks at Maureen like that, and laughs very unkindly. The way that he needs to be beaten makes Maureen feel pain in his eyes, hands and teeth.

"Yufeng, do you believe I beat you?" Said Maureen, gnashing his teeth.

"Have you ever hit me?" It's not that Yu Feng despises Mo Lin, but that among them, in addition to Qiao Tianchang and his wife, Feng Xiao, he has the best martial arts and wants to beat him? Are you sure he didn't get hit by himself?

Maureen's whole body is aching. Although he is not a genius, he has some talents, right? But these people have been beating me up all these years.

He hasn't been lazy either. Why is he so far away?

"Are you here to fight?" Ning Mengyao looks at the two men with black lines on her face and asks in silence.

"Of course not. We're here for trouble." Two people turn their heads at the same time, that speed makes ningmengyao's eyelids jump.

Under the leadership of Maureen, they entered the Maureen's house without any effort. However, the former yard of Maureen has been in a mess and can't see what it used to be. But there is still a person in it, and that person is Molly.

Now Molly makes Ning Mengyao speechless. What's the matter with this man?

It's only a few days. It's like this picture of people and ghosts.

It was the same dress she wore when she saw it that day, but now she looks like a pickle. Not only that, her face is not as white as that day, but it's blue and white, and her eyes are blue and black. It looks like a ghost. If you can see it at night, it's not frightening.

"Where is this man from?" Yufeng's eyelids kept jumping. God knows how long it took him to stop kicking people out.

"This is Molly, Molly, Molly's sister. She's very beautiful. How can she torture herself like this?" Ning Mengyao blinked, very speechless.

Maureen looks at Molly in the room ironically, probably because of his appearance and the words he said to Ning Mengyao in the tavern those days, which makes Molly feel scared. Now she is like a frightened bird. I'm afraid she's not very well these days.

People with ghosts in their hearts, how can they be good under such circumstances? In particular, Molly is still guilty of Molly, so it's getting worse and worse, and finally it's like this?

When the people were talking in a low voice, the people inside moved and stood up shakily, which really looked like a ghost.

Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed her arm. How could she feel gloomy? Is it her delusion?

"What's the matter?" Qiao Tianchang saw her like this, went to hug people in the arms, frowning, some worried asked.

"I'm fine. I just think Molly is a little strange. Even if one torments himself, he will not make himself look like a ghost in a short time. What's more, Molly is not the kind of person who will treat himself like this." Ning Mengyao said, frowning.

She is really a little strange at this point. How can a person who is self-centered and thinks of nothing but himself treat himself like this? This is fundamentally contradictory.

Yu Feng felt her chin and looked at Molly, frowning slightly. The expression was not very nice.

"Brother in law, did you find anything?"

"Look at her hands and her movements." Yu Feng suddenly looks at Molly and opens her mouth.